Stardock Steam Sale Discounts Games, Software

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Fences is a pretty useful piece of software if you have a cluttered desktop. But there's no reason to get it on Steam. You get the same discount if you go directly to their website, get it there.

I've been using Fences for quite a few years. It is probably one of the handiest interface tools I have and I almost feel lost without it... lol. You'd think Microsoft would at some point incorporate something similar into their OS.

Start10 is also quite handy as it helps users slowly get used to Windows 10's new start menu. I have it installed on my father's machine. The best part is you can have the mouse click bring up the Windows 10 menu, and the Windows key bring up the Start10 menu; giving you the best of both worlds. :)

If someone wants the software, there's not much reason not to get it on Steam either. Many people would prefer to buy software from a site that they know is more likely to take security seriously, than from some site they've never visited before. And of course, sharing one's billing info with a number of sites is naturally going to be less secure than sharing it with a few, and many people already have accounts with Steam.

From the developer's perspective, they might keep a little more of the profits from a purchase at their own site, but they also need to handle things like payment processing and distribution for the software and its future updates on their own.

The other nice thing with it being offered on steam is it is like a 'play store' or 'repository' to where it's one less site to have to go to download your software in the case of system re-installs.

Well, Fences has automatic updating built-in, so it'll alert you when there's a software update. Plus, what I do is I back up all the installation files for software that I use on an external hard drive if I ever need to reinstall. I reinstall whatever old version it might be, then software like this would update itself and problem solved.

Actually, the old version (version 2) will try to update to version 3 only, no patches in-between. Since version 3 requires a new key (and purchase), update isn't an option. 🙁
I also back software up on an external drive, but have had that fail before as well recently.
If I do end up picking up version 3, it will more than likely be on Steam; just to have yet another form of redundancy.
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