News Starfield Is Broken On Intel Arc GPUs, But Intel Is Working On A Fix

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From what I hear, the game has serious issues that go way beyond Intel compatibility. I've never been a real fan of Bethesda's games - still consider Fallout 3 to be a true abomination and wasted opportunity compared to its magnificent prequels, for example - but some of the stuff raised by the reviews makes me glad I didn't jump the hype train and consider buying. As much as I love sci-fi, I'm going to give this one a pass for a year - or three - before I get my hands on it. An expansion or two, some DLC, and a hell of a lot of quality of life mods, and I may actually enjoy it by then.
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From what I hear, the game has serious issues that go way beyond Intel compatibility. I've never been a real fan of Bethesda's games - still consider Fallout 3 to be a true abomination and wasted opportunity compared to its magnificent prequels, for example - but some of the stuff raised by the reviews makes me glad I didn't jump the hype train and consider buying. As much as I love sci-fi, I'm going to give this one a pass for a year - or three - before I get my hands on it. An expansion or two, some DLC, and a hell of a lot of quality of life mods, and I may actually enjoy it by then.
Please elaborate. What serious issues are you talking about?

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Please elaborate. What serious issues are you talking about?
I meant mostly design related, not technical ones. The reviews I've seen make me want to stay away from the game until the kinks are worked out and more depth is added. The last paragraph of this conclusion probably sums it up most succinctly: Skyrim in space, but with less magic (not that I found vanilla Skyrim that magical to begin with).
I've spent a lot of time describing aspects of Starfield's vast experience that don't work optimally or fundamentally fail. Although there are many positive aspects to what we are served, it is often in sandbox games like this that many small streams make a big one.

If I had let go of the frustration of not having vehicles, I would have actually enjoyed the game's planetary exploration. If I [could] experience at least simulated seamlessness out in space, it would change my experience of that part of the game. Had my companions not acted and moved strangely, the performance often lagged, the areas felt like copies of each other, or if the big cities had actually appeared large and exciting, well if only some of these aspects had been fundamentally better, the overall experience would have been very different.

Starfield is Skyrim in space, but it's a Skyrim with less soul, less seamlessness, and most importantly - less game magic. [...] Perhaps Bethesda will manage to make the Starfield experience better in the future through various updates and expansions. But all in all, it seems like Starfield would have done much better as a universe [spread] over 10 planets, rather than what we got spread over 1,000.

That is not to say it doesn't have its share of technical issues as well. I saw a few articles about stuttering and other performance issues, and even the review I quoted mentions "a bunch of bugs, like characters walking into walls and furniture, running as fast as they can before stopping, moving strangely from A to B, standing halfway through the floor, or suddenly missing their space suit in -140 °", which apparently "not only makes Starfield feel unfinished, but it gives a very goofy feeling that this huge studio hasn't learned anything in the 12 years since Skyrim."
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I meant mostly design related, not technical ones. The reviews I've seen make me want to stay away from the game until the kinks are worked out and more depth is added. The last paragraph of this conclusion probably sums it up most succinctly: Skyrim in space, but with less magic (not that I found vanilla Skyrim that magical to begin with).

That is not to say it doesn't have its share of technical issues as well. I saw a few articles about stuttering and other performance issues, and even the review I quoted mentions "a bunch of bugs, like characters walking into walls and furniture, running as fast as they can before stopping, moving strangely from A to B, standing halfway through the floor, or suddenly missing their space suit in -140 °", which apparently "not only makes Starfield feel unfinished, but it gives a very goofy feeling that this huge studio hasn't learned anything in the 12 years since Skyrim."
Other than some minor clipping, I've had no issues running this game on ultra at 1440p (with FSR2 turned on). My rig is mid-range, not high-end, so I'm not sure what some YouTubers and bloggers are fussing about.
Other than some minor clipping, I've had no issues running this game on ultra at 1440p (with FSR2 turned on). My rig is mid-range, not high-end, so I'm not sure what some YouTubers and bloggers are fussing about.
game is CPU capped to something around 100fps with best CPUs, weak CPU have less fps..that could be reason of fussing about
Intel has always had problems with GPU drivers & games, so this is not surprising. However, Intel is correct in a narrow sense. The game is still two days away from mainstream release. I didn't hear about the 6-day EA for the game until 9/1--Intel likely is the same. Also, since there will be a major patch done on 9/6 for release from Bethesda (?), they may be waiting for that, as well. I passed on the $100 "Premium Edition" (but oddly I fell for it with the Diablo IV EA, which is really getting boring, lately). Like every Bethesda title, the modders will make the game, imo..
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