Start Menu Could Return to Windows in Spring 2014

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How about the bring back the unbloated OS? Notice how fast 95/98/XP are, and then you try out Vista or Win7, even on a multicore machine and it lags behind, not nearly as snappy.

Just spend time to give us a quick and unbloated operating system, with a classic interface. Even XP loaded with updates and patches is so much responsive than the newer versions of windoze.

Let have a smarter, quicker, classic OS, not a bloated, dumbed down, limited OS.
Please deadmeow tell me more stories!! I want to hear about running Win95/98 on a modern machine. Sing praises of XP!! Sing sing sing a laud to Linux, that is what's next on your calendar, no?
Yes, stripping out the Start Menu was a blunder. I am uninterested in Sinofsky styled rationalizations about how the start menu was used or how some people filled their desktop full of shortcuts.

Nor do I want to engage those Windows 8 people who claim that anyone who is interested in a old style Start Menu is stupid and do not know how to use their PC. I am running Windows 8.1 and am uninterested in other people's opinion on how I prefer to organize my PC.

It's not going to happen nor should it. I spend 98% percent of my time on the desktop, yet I see no reason why MS would reinforce the idea of a wholly non-Metro PC.

I view Metro/Modern UI on the PC as the keystone of the shared Market/Store push. MS has every reason to stay the course and look towards acclimatizing people over time to using Metro applications, especially as a shared Market across platforms comes to fruition.
My stance on this is this. I admire innovation however we should have the freedom of choice. Its not the lord of the rings here one ring to rule them all. I get the concept of the metro ui and the desire to do away with desk top short cuts plus the user friendly tablet and touch interface. to make a cleaner more organized look but some people have their own sense of organization. They do things in their own way and some people just think differently.
Fortunately win8.1 uses more power than win7 ! Which makes win7 like XP but 10X better, not to mention a hassle free start button.
Besides M$ are too stupid to get people to adopt win8 because of one reason & one reason only. Give up ? Its that win8 is toooooooo expensive. M$ should revert back to $29.99 for a full stand alone OS not a watered down upgrade, before I reconsider.
For the idiots who like win8 it appears that you are to few for anyone to care. And to think M$ made windows more compatible with Intel is a never ending list of disasters this company has brought on the public !!!
Our entire IT department with the exception of one of them is running windows 7, Linux or OS X because of windows 8's start screen.

The switch to an optional metro interface and gadets would actually make it an option for us to migrate workstations to windows 8 due to no training needed for our users. We have better things to do than respond to trouble tickets of people that don't know how to use the interface because it is different from what they're used to.

This is a huge win for Microsoft if they pull it off and if they had this from the beginning then windows 8 would've been a huge success.
I have a nokia lumia 1520 and on it I love windows 8 on it and tablets. on desktops I can see its uses but find the start menu a cleaner and faster approach to get what I need. where I see metro ui good for some older or less experienced folks to not be afraid of their computers
I was against Windows 8 since the beta release.... up until I actually started sing it with Classic Shell for a start button. Even though I don't like Metro, it does have its good points. I personally think it is a very good built OS, since it was designed for MULTIPLE different devices <PC, Phones, tables> It actually runs VERY well on my PC, but then again, I am sure I have an above average PC, but most PC's will have SSD's by next year as a boot drive, or they should.

I got a 4 year old PC and it's awesomely quick with win7 x64, and I'm developer which writes native multithreaded apps that some of them handles run time data of more than 4GB of RAM, so I AM pushing it to the limits. I don't know what you're talking about. Your bottleneck is in your HW, believe it or not.
FYI - I got an i7 920, 4 year old entry level Radeon card and 3X2GB of standard RAM.
OS installed on a 4 year old Intel X25M 80GB SSD.
It's still blazing fast.
I don't even know why they're going to take that long. Buy one of the "start menu" replacements(or fork the code) and post it as a store update in a couple of months.
I have no hardware bottleneck with Win7, with a hexacore CPU and GTX 260. H264 encoding uses 100% of all 6 cores on XP, only 92-93% on Win7. Any OS will run fairly fast on modern hardware, but bloated operating systems lose their snap, that remains in XP. XP is also good for using more than 4 gigs or ram as is Vista, or Win7, or any other 64 bit OS.

I use Win7/XP/Linux Mint, but XP is still my favorite. I understand fan bois like to re-buy their old software if it is packaged in a new shiny box with a new year added to it. Enjoying microsoft office 2014? Just wait you can spend another 200 dollars on microsoft office 2015 in a few months, with new features such as increased loading time, and hard drive bloat.

If you ain't got an SSD than it would explain why your PC is lagging.
Using a PC like yours without an SSD is like buying a Ferreri with a cube shaped concrete wheels.
Honestly..i don't give a sh*t if they bring back that start menu again or not..M$ time is over..They' ve Lost their credibility since they force us(profesional user,gamers n enterprise) to use that ugly cripple Tablet OS on our powerful Desktop..Adios M$
Nothing bloated about Windows 7. I can keep my computer running for days and it seems to run as if it was just booted in most cases. Everything opens in a snap. I loved XP when I first used it. I was reluctant to switch at first to 7, but I never looked back. Now when I try to use XP I cringe. I have tried Windows 8. It is even snappier than 7. Windows 8 is far superior in handling hardware and other things compared to 7. It only gets called a bad OS due to its GUI. Which is sad. I don't consider it a bad OS, but I'm not ready to change.
The reality is simple. Offer the user a choice of interface's and let them choose. For those who like tile/touch or those who want the traditional.

MSFT is to friggin stupid the only way to get their attention is with a 2x4 across the head.
"If you ain't got an SSD than it would explain why your PC is lagging.
Using a PC like yours without an SSD is like buying a Ferreri with a cube shaped concrete wheels."

I agree, which is why I have an SSD.
App store is a new way to distribute software. It enable more developers to enter the market. Less packaging. Cheaper software. Faster development-> distribution cycle. No inventory problem. No shipping delay. Customer could purchase right from their computer.
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