Start up Computer


May 12, 2016
Hey guys,

I am going to build my new pc tomorrow. I have everything except my gtx 1080 graphics card which should be arriving in like 3 days. I was wondering if I could start up my pc, install windows and just do some basic stuff such as browsing the internet while I wait for my graphics card?

Can that be done?


My part list in case you need to look at it:
Ok, get the cosair 200r case that ways all drive trays are accessible. And it is cheaper. About your main question, yes you can start now. Just plug into the on board graphics on the motherboard.

I was looking at that case, I just thought that one that I have looked better 😀 I have already ordered it, so I dont really want to change it haha
True, was not thinking there. Anyways, I have the 200r case and I like it. And I will be able to have more drives in it. Xd. Hope it works well for you. Just that if you want more space in the future, you will not only have to get a hdd like normal but a new case or change gpu that is smaller in physical size but still can get same performance.