Start up problems with asus p5nsli


Sep 8, 2007
Hello, I just installed a Asus P5NSLI to replace my old ECS board. The board loads up fine and I can get into my bios. The bios recognizes my IDE hard drive and my dvd rom, but when I get to the post menu and select the hard drive to load, I get nothing but a blank screen and a blinking cursor. Windows does not load. I have tried booting the Windows Xp disk form the dvd drive and it recognizes that there is already windows xp on the HD. I tried repairing the OS and i still get the blank screen with the blinking cursor. The system is Core 2 due 2.13 ghz processor, 2x 1GB sticks of Crucial Ballistics ram, PNY 6600 graphics card. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.


Jan 31, 2006
Make sure the jumpers are so the hdd is Master and DVD Slave and the hdd is attached to the top of the data cable. Also, in the BIOS make sure the hdd is listed above the DVD
First, moving an XP installation to a new and completely different motherboard can be a real headache. How did you do the repair? If you used the recovery console, that won't do you any good. You need to a first choose a new install. Windows will detect your current installation and ask you a second time if you want to do a new install, or repair the current install. (at this point it will warn you that a new install will erase all the data on the drive) At that point you want to choose to repair.