starting to place pc games

The Witcher 2 (RPG/Action)
Borderland 2 (FPS/RPG)
Fallout 3/NV (RPG/FPS)
Skyrim (RPG)
Deus Ex Human Revolution (FPS/RPG)
Batman Arkham City(Action/RPGish)
Bioshock 1, 2, & Infinite (FPS/RPG)
What type of games do you want to play?
Out of random genres I would recommend: Skyrim, Dishonored, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Portal 1&2, Torchlight 2, Borderlands 2 and Payday 2 (if you have friends to play with), Tomb Raider, Trine 1&2, Brothers: Tale of Two Sons (if you have a Xbox360 controller).... these games should be a good starting point and you can pick up a bunch of them in the next few hours on sale on steam. Sale ends in like 2.5 hours though.

Those are all great, and I will add these to the list:
Far Cry 2 and 3
Crysis 1, 2 and 3
Spec ops: the line
Metro 2033 and Metro Last Light