Starts, lights on, fans spin, no mouse, keyboard, monitor signal


Oct 9, 2013
Today I put together a secondary rig for family use. This rig is made up of various old parts from previous computers.

The problem I am experiencing is that when I boot everything lights up, all fans start. However my mouse keyboard and monitor are unresponsive. All of these items work properly on my other computer.

What I have done so far is removed and tested both ram sticks, held power button for over a minute with power cable disconnected to clear ram. Confirmed that both the CPU 8 pin power and motherboard power is plugged in and secure.

The build is a MSI 970 gaming mobo- I RMA this as it was defective before setting up the build, I dont know if what I received back was new, or refurbished. It visually appears in good condition

My RAM sticks are from a prebuilt lenovo

Hard Drive is a 1tb HDD from lenovo prebuilt. I can confirm this is functional as I just booted my other rig with it

GPU is a r9 390, lights up fans spin. Also when I plug the DP in; the monitor does recognize, by lighting up, flashing DP in top left

The CPU is a fx 8350 3.5ghz using stock fan and fresh paste.

My main concerns are the CPU and RAM being defective in some way but I am hoping for something less costly

Thank you for your time all help appreciated
First thoughts are that your CPU is not working or not receiving power. Can you test the CPU in another compatible rig? Your pc will turn on in terms of lights, fans etc as long as the motherboard has power, but nothing that uses the CPU is working - making CPU most obvious candidate - in my opinion. Thats where id start.
Unfortunately I do not have a similar build to test it on. I did just unhook the fan and took the CPU out and put it back in again. Nothing appeared visually wrong but Idon't have an eye for those things. Same problem after getting it set up again.

That part is still under warranty, should I RMA it even though it may still work since I have no way of testing?

One thing I will mention is that some paste was on the silicon, any possibility of this causing problems. I cleaned it off with a q-tip.

Also the PSU is a

Any chance 550w is not enough, also the 8pin CPU power was met with 2 4pins that did not line up, squares to circles (dont know the right words) exactly, still plugged fine and Google said this was a backwards compatability thing.

Should mention same thing for GPU and that lights up, fan spin, so I don't think that's an issue.

Sorry I'm writing so much but I don't know what's relevant so trying to explained as much as possible
Update before I got to bed. I just tried repeating my GPU, and booting without it hooked up. This did not work same problem, however I think it confirms 550w not being the problem.

Could still be a problem with the PSU though
The most obvious thing to look for visually on CPU is bent pins.

You really need to narrow the issue down, the cpu not firing could be down to your psu not powering it (bad psu, cable or connector), motherboard issue or cpu dead.

Could you put your rig next to another comp and plug its cpu power into the faulty one? This could rule out psu unit/cable/ connector fault.
I just finished swaping the PSU. Same problem with it booting lights on fans spin, but no display or power in the mouse and keyboard. This PSU is a 750w that works on my other comp so it's safe to rule that out.

I also checked the CPU pins and saw no bends or any broken off. I cant see the cores.

I took a video of the setup to see if anyone notices anything wrong with how I have set it up since I am fairly inexperianced in building a comp.

Sorry about quality and not filming in landscape

While filming I noticed this on the back of the mobo where the CPU is. One of those rectangle things (I dont know what they are) appears missing.

The pic looks fine. Nothing stands out in the vid.

Your motherboard isnt in contact with the case anywhere is it? Iv seen this happen and short stuff out before.

Also, dont think it could cause your prob but do you have diff ram sticks?
Okay. Having re-read your original post (i orginally assumed this system was all working together previously), and seeing what looks like 2 different ram sticks installed on your video... if this is the case, never mix ram, only use identicals. Remove one and only install the best of the 2, have you checked that the RAM is compatible with your mobo also?

If you have totally incompatible RAM then it could cause your comp to not post.
The RAMs are different, they come from the same prebuilt lenovo discussed earlier and worked fine in that rig. New ram is at the top of my upgrade list though

I have also tested each stick separately.

The mobo manufacturer says it supports ddr3 1333 ram which after googling the label numbers those RAM sticks are. I have had problems with lenovo parts before not being compatible despite meeting all specs though.

Also I havent used either stick since 2012 so I'm not confident in them being operational.