Startup problem Windows (PLEASE HELP)

Andres de Groot

Sep 30, 2014
If I start my pc the first page I see my motherboard data (where I can go to bios and stuff).

After that the problem.....the second page I see 4 times Windows where I must choose 1 of them to continue. If I wait 20 sec it goes further without touching a button.

How can I fix this problem so that my PC boots normally without this annoying screen where I have to choose from 4x windows????

I hope someone understand my problem :)
in windows type msconfig or bring up the task manager. look for the boot tab. first line should be one os if there four of them look for the os you want to start up and remove all the others.
it seems like you have various windows installed on your computer. Usually when you have a dual boot configuration when you turn on the computer and it passes the bios it ask you to choose what windows to load up. to edit this you need to go into advance system settings (right click my computer, properties, Advanced system settings) then click on the Advanced tab and click Settings under Startup and Recovery, then configure the System Startup.
I`m very happy now 😀😀😀 The problem is gone 😀

So BIG thanks and it was a very easy fix.

I think the other 3 windows where from my last 3 installations but they never got deleted for some reason.