Startup problems - cpu


Feb 6, 2018
Hello! I have a problem with my motherboard starting up...
everything is plugged in and seated correctly.

(With the the cpu, 8 pin, 24 pin, and ram)
The mobo turns on then shuts off immediately.

(Without cpu, with ram, 24 pin, and 8 pin)
Mobo runs fine and stays on
(Same result without 8 pin or ram.)

The mobo led’s suggest the cpu is not detected or it failed.

Cpu: i3-6300
Ram: ballistix 8gb 2400 ddr4
Mobo: MSi b250 mortar
Psu: Corsair 750w

Any solution to fix this?

Try a new cpu...

Sorry I meant the mobo led’s (there are no beeps since I have no onboard sound)


Yes, I did unplug the 8pin.
I also pulled out the cpu along with the fan too.


Sounds like the PSU is failing, try leaving the cpu in and unplugging the 8pin

The mobo powers on and stays on. Although, the mobo led still says the cpu has failed or is not detected.

Yea to test can you check with a different cpu

With the 8-pin removed it should say cpu failure because it has no power, if it stays on with it unplugged I'd be willing to bet its the PSU. That's a pretty common thing to happen with a bad PSU.


Sadly I have no other cpu. Just one.


Or try a different PSU

With a new psu (500w) And with the 8 pin, cpu, ram, 24 pin... the mobo leds blink (the mobo turning on and off continuously)

Try a new cpu, if its not that its the motherboard, its possible the power delivery is messed up on it.