startup programs and services needed for windows 8


Sep 21, 2014
my CPU has been off the charts lately pretty much always in the 80-90% range so I looked up how to fix this problem and found that solve my problem I need to change programs and services run when my laptop is started up the only problem with that is I don't know which programs are essential for windows 8 to run smoothly and which are not so I don't know what to disable and what not to disable.

So if anyone knows enough to give a run down or a list of what's safe and what's not safe to disable or at the very least point me in the right direction then I would be very grateful for the help thank you for your time.

Thank you for your time and help I checked the link you posted and gave it a good look over it had what I needed to fix my problem and so far it looks like my problem had been solved so thank you very much I appreciate it a lot

Coolness. Glad it worked.