Static Mic even when its turned all the way down??


Nov 25, 2014
so im having a few issues with static when im recording
i have a pritty decent mic (bm-800 condencer) with a behringer xenyx 302 mixer with phantom power

If i turn the mic all the way down on the mixer i still receve static when recording

Things ive tried;
Re plugged in
different cables
different usb socket
no wires touching
just pc mic and one monitor turned on

Still happens

(recording with dxtory and sony vagas)
Can you please pass on your full systems specs inclusive of your OS, PSU and connected peripherals? Have you made sure your BIOS and device drivers are up to date? According to Behringer's support page for the device the maximum OS supported by the drivers are Windows 7 so if you're on Windows 10 then you can try and install your drivers under compatibility mode

Right click installer>Properties>Compatibility Tab>Windows 7

Connecting it to an available USB2.0 port is advised instead of a USB3.0 port. You may also want to look through your room's wiring as you could be experiencing an issue with grounding.