Steam Experiences and Problems Is It Worth the hassle?

Question, we were trying to create a steam account and it would never take the captcha. Pretty sure it was right every time. We even started having people check it before we told it to create account. It still did not work. It then said we were locked out and could not create an account. We closed the browser and restated the process this time the captcha went through but it now says the account cannot be created (account creation failed).

At a loss for the cascading problems with something as simple as making an account I figured I would call steam and get myself squared away because I clearly must be doing something wrong at this point. I mean 30 min into this process and I still can’t get an account opened or created.

Then I could not find a phone number for them. After searching the internet machine come to find out, I guess they do not have phone support, that they only support by email, and that it takes around 6-9 days for each response from them?

At least from the posts on various sites poor support from steam is a common problem and no quick responses for some fairly serious account issues e.g. stolen accounts. Is the service as bad as it seems? Is support really that bad? Should I cut my losses now (time) and just stay away from the service? Now 45 min later I still cannot even get an account created.


Nah steam is probably the only good place to get games. With the captcha it is quite hard to huess what it is. I think theres an audio one as well, if you find it to be to difficult just keep refreshing the captcha to one that you can actually do.

The thing about steam accounts being stolen, it rarely happens, i mean unless you dont use their authenticator or leave your account open in a public place (which most people fail to say when they complain on the internet) you'll be fine. And people on YouTube have a higher likely chance of this.... Because they're youtubers and a bigger target.

But you're right about the support. Its terrible some people wait for months before getting a reply. But its one of the negatives about it.

To be honest there is no where else to get pc games anyways besides origin on uplay but they have a select few