[SOLVED] Steam In-Home Streaming and Local Device Gaming MacBook Pro

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Jun 20, 2012

I have a few questions about the late 2013 MacBook Pro w/750m vs the model with just the iGPU Retina Display.

(1) Am I able to use Steam's in-home streaming from my PC gaming rig to the MacBook Pro without any issues, or do I need to stream on the same OS/format? For example, does it need to be PC to PC or Mac to Mac, or can it be PC to Mac?

(2) Can I play Steam games on a MacBook Pro locally? What I mean is can I install Steam account on a MacBook Pro and play the games in my Steam library, or are the OS specific?

(3) I don't plan on playing too much on the Mac locally. Most of the stuff will be streaming, if that is possible. However, I would not mind playing some older games. Will the 750m be much more powerful than the Intel graphics? I mean, is it worth the price increase?

I am mainly going to be using the Mac for work (web development and design - Adobe Creative Cloud products), with one 1080p external monitor. However, I would like to use it as my entertainment device as described above...well, plus video and movie watching, as well.

I hope that made some sort of sense. Thank you in advance for any and all help.

I see no reason to get a GPU for your mac book, since the price/ performance isn't very good and you will get better results streaming from your main...

Ty Kennington

Sep 16, 2014
1)I would assume you could stream steam through it with no problems, as your games don't have to run through Meveric OS, they just have to run on your PC that your streaming from

2)If you are not streaming games they are OS specific

3) the 750m provides decent graphics for a notebook, but it's not a big enough improvement that I would recommend it. You can check out some benchmarks on notebookcheck.com, but keep in mind you wont even be able to play most games because of the OS. What are the specs on the PC you plan on streaming from?


Jun 20, 2012

i7 3770K/8GB/256GB SSD/GTX 780 GHz Ed

Ty Kennington

Sep 16, 2014

I see no reason to get a GPU for your mac book, since the price/ performance isn't very good and you will get better results streaming from your main desktop, from what I've seen. Also, scince this is valve the peformance of SIHS will only get better. On the other hand, a dedicated GPU would be perfect for playing older games on the go (Half life 2, emulators, or portal)
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