this is actually an excellent addition to address some concerns about refunding digital games BUT! wouldn't it make more sense to have the return window LARGER based on customer reviews and the total length of the game? some games require more than 2 hours to really be able to dive in... hell i can spend 2 hours just customizing graphics and characters. i've probably spent 100 hours on games just by leaving it in the start menu. maybe if it's more than 2 hours (and less than say, like 5?), they can refund the money back to the steam account instead of the actual payment method? maybe they can have a small deduction (to be fair) to prevent abuse of buying, playing, refunding games?
also, if there was some method of selling your games, that would be awesome too (i'm reaching). MAYBE i can trade 5 old games for one new one? or perhaps trade a game in for an additional discount off of a future purchase? maybe valve can revoke a game code and give me a pre-defined amount back. it could literally be any amount and people would take advantage of it since some games just go untouched. AND AND AND it would be an excellent metric of which games "stick" and which games people just want to get rid of. would be good information for developers for CERTAIN.