y thoughts are, if someone does make a great electric car, the oil industry would see a huge slump of importance and worth, so, I guess if I was them, Id be making a great one, or have one ready
There is a flaw in your thoughts. First, believe it or not, you can even check the Cash Flow sheets freely available by petroleum companies, but Oil companies do not profit on gasoline. They lose money. They make money on many of the byproducts of the oil. One happens to be gasoline, but they sell it at a loss to offset their other higher profit ventures.
When gasoline costs more than a quart of oil, I'd be surprised. The oil is in the purest form and makes them a higher profit than gasoline. Should we someday see gasoline costing more than conventional oil, then I would suspect some market games were in play.
Consider this: The gas tax pays for the roads. With more electric cars on the road not paying the gas tax, how do we continue to repair the roads? Oil companies, by your thoughts, would have lower profits because they're not selling as much gasoline. Lower profits means less payment in taxes. More electric cars... not paying a gas tax. Are we ready for that?
My theory is this. Democrats want gasoline prices higher to a point where the oil companies have to make a profit on it. Simply out demand the supply, prices will rise above the cost of production and increase oil company profits. The idea being that is gasoline was $1 again, we'd use to up far quicker today and deplete the supply. Now, with the oil companies making massive profits, more tax revenue comes in to help decrease the deficit which only hides the fact that the gov't is spending even more money than before. But understanding a multi-trillion dollar budget is far harder than saying the deficit shrunk (in proportion) to the amount being spent.
The proportions of what we spend are greater along with the rise in tax revenue, but it is all temporary and will soon level off. Though, the payments on that debt will not and thus various methods to milk the citizens of the US of every extra dollar will continue.