still same problem with bluescreen error 0 0x00000133


Dec 25, 2015
Hello ,
after do a format of my computer still crash and do the same error log file. I had the same
problem before the format and i though that would help to solve the problem but it seem no
, installed the lastest driver of my graphic card(asus gtx 1080 styx)
-updated my bios to the lastest (z97 gaming 5)
-disconnected my old webcam (been 8 year)

here my dumpfile :

and another informaiton i dont know if it could help . It alway crash when i play
Black desert online and overwatch sametime

Thanx for the respond in advance
My virus scan is nod32 i am using and for the event viewer the only think that was before the crashdown i been able to see is this log from systeme menu wich say : the pilot nvlddmkm is no more responding i have 3 same warning (wich i have 3 screen connected to my computer ) do you think it could be something like this ? and i do have a lot of error with same pilote before too