In my country prices for PC's and components in general, are pretty high. Of course, you can find super good deals, but you need to search A LOT (well, not for all, for example, there are lots of gtx 950/960's that easily cost 70-80$). So I looked today on a used market site, like eBay, and....for my surprise, I've found something very interesting. A G4560 PC, with 4gigs of ddr4 ram, 500gb hard drive, a 500w power supply, and, the "masterpiece" I'd say, is an EVGA GTX 960 SSC 2gb edition, that surprised me. Why? Because it's only 200$. Amazing, isn't it? There will not be any kind of bottleneck, or at least, I think, cuz this CPU, can run well even with a gtx 1050TI, so yeah.
Oh my god, I talked too much again. The question is: Still worth it? Still worth a G4560 and gtx 960 PC for 200$ in 2019 for gaming?
Oh my god, I talked too much again. The question is: Still worth it? Still worth a G4560 and gtx 960 PC for 200$ in 2019 for gaming?