stop code 0xc000021a loop


Aug 1, 2015
Hi, last night I turned off my pc with a force shutdown, just turned the power supply button off, and in the morning I cant start my pc, it shows a blue screen which says I ran into some problems and I get a stop code 0xc000021a, then it goes into troubleshooting and does nothing, later on I get options to troubleshoot it, I tried everything, even resetting my pc without removing files, but it stops at like 30% and says there was a problem, any ideas what can I do before reinstalling my windows completely?

So if I have windows 10 and I'll try to install windows 7 cause only windows I have on a disk, will my files dissapear or will there be an option to keep my files?

sorry for bumping this thread again, but the only option is that I have to perform clean installation to install windows 7 which will not keep my files
the second parameter in the bugcheck code is the error code
if you give me the error code I can tell you what it means.

if you have not formated the memory dump will be at c:\windows\minidump directory.
if you reinstalled it will be at c:\windows.old\minidump directory