STOP Internet Censorship!!!

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Which are paid off by the bankers who ran both parties.

There are trying to shut down the independent media.
See, this is why America is a giant cluster-$%&# right now, something like this happens and instead of the general public pulling together to petition this thing, they're trying to point fingers. I did not post this so people could project blame on diplomatic parties, i posted it in a community i believe does not want this to happen. So no pointing fingers and just GET IT DONE! Your opinion means absolutely nothing to anyone if they censor the internet...

Thank You

Ps. Pass the word
You're right, its a giant cluster#@$%, but you got the wrong reason.

Is this simply net-neutrality? I mean, forcing Comcast to allow Netflix and Hulu to broadcast competitive content over Comcast's own pipes?

Or does it also include Executive Branch control with an ability to implement a fairness doctrine across the internet? You know, with every dose of Rush Limbaugh comes a op-ed from the communist party. Fair and Balanced 😉

Sorry, but there is next to nothing in the Progressive agenda that I support, and nothing from either political party I want that puts more control in government hands, particularly in the Executive Branch.

I'd rather lose Netflix, Hulu, Torrent via an ISP . . . and let the MARKETPLACE react and drag the vendors back to doing the right thing.


I heard this form Alex Jones they pull the plug on the net good-bye

Let not for get the G20 in pittsburgh.

Were winning the infowar and there cheating of course they cheat.

This may shed some light
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