strange buzzing like electric noise coming from system


Jan 19, 2014
ever since i replaced my dud corsairh100 for a corsairh100 i v2. iv been hearing this wierd like buzzing electrical sound and i dont recal hearing it first i thought it was the cooler then the cpu but now im thinking it might be my power supply unit but its hard to tell. if it was the cpu could inproperly applyd thermal compound cause it to make that noise? beacuse when i was installing the cooler i could not get it to go down on the motherbord with the screws it came up a few times and beacuse of this it made contact to the cpu more then once. i was using the preapply d one that was on the new cooler if however its not the cpu and it is the powersupply witch im thinking it might be. ever since i upgraded my graphics card to sli 980tis and 4k screen i was experincing strange blackouts on the screen for split seconds..back then i thought it was either the tv or the graphics card so i had them replaced and stil lthe same thing happend. at this point if it is the powersupply im thinking to get the xfx 1050 to replace my old corsairhx1000. this problem was not present on my old grpahics card and old 1080p tv though witch is my main resson for thinking it to be the powersupply. i would go for the corsairhx1000i but its way out of my price range.and my warrenty on the old model is no longer valid. thanks
The strange sounds is the psu, its came from the primary cirsuits of your PSU board inside, either on the diodes and the power transistors, and caps. Now the cause might be the shorten of electrical current that might be your old psu can't hold on because of the new hardware upgrades. So I recommend to increase the wattage of your PSU or try to replace it to isolate the problem. Then if it will solve buy a new higher wattage than your old psu.
incress the watts,how do i do that?. since its over 5 years old Is it even a good idea to try that? wouldent it be best just buyng the XFX 1050watt psu to replace it since its more then 1000w. I would not of thought i would need anything more then 1000w. Someone told me 1000w for my system is over kill and an 850watt will do just fine, but i dont beleave that one bit.
Its a CorsairHX1000 the model number is CMPSU-1000HXUK and I was stressed out because of this problem that i was rushing my post. plus i do have a learning disability so my spelling and grama will not allways be perfect.
Its ok my friend, I have a confusion also, only parts that will cause noises is because of the vibration of the moving parts. Then in electronic components like caps and diodes and transistors because of leakage. You can't see this using visual inspection, rather than by replacing its parts like changing temporarily the PSU then observe it if it solve.
An HX1000 should be plenty for 980 TI SLI, which really only needs a good 850w unit. That doesn't necessarily mean there isn't a problem with the PSU, but it's not due to not being a capable enough model.

I'd take a flashlight and check to see if something on one of the PSU, CPU or case fans is hitting the fan blades. Cables, zip ties and other things can get too close to fan blades sometimes and just lightly make contact, which can make unusual sounds. Look into the PSU with the light and see if it looks like anything is near the fan blades.

At 5 years old it's definitely possible that your PSU has run it's course, so replacing it isn't a terrible idea anyhow, but I'd try to make sure that it's actually the source of the problem first. If you can put your ear right up to the side of it and verify for certain that nothing is hitting but the noise is for sure coming from the PSU, then replacement would be a good idea.
i was confused beacuse Combinebasic said " So I recommend to increase the wattage of your PSU or try to replace it to isolate the problem" so i thought incressing the wattege was another option that i could do with the current unit. sorry
The unit itself is on the bottem of my case witch is an old HAF-X the fan is facing there cant be any cable contact with the fan. the sound is odd though beacuse it dose not seem to allways be present. it seems to come and go.and it will change its pitch level from low to high. i dont really no how els to describe it. its just odd that it started since i installed this new cpu cooler im worried about it. i dont want my pc to blow
Yes darkbreeze that might but in computer most vibrating parts are the moving parts inside. If this not a electronic components it is a moving parts, now to isolate the problem lets concentrate in moving parts, then in PSU and exhaust fan
. Lets check Have you on your speaker?or your cpu have a buzzer or system speaker. Lets see if the noises came here.

nope its def not the speekers i no that much. i turnd them right down to test that theory.. speeker noise sounds more like static..this is not that.. cpu buzzer..i dunno what that is or if i have that. its not the fans on the cpu cooler either.. they make a different sound. This can be identified when i change the profile mode on the corsair link software from quite mode to performance. but this wierd buzzing noise is still happening even when on quite mode, and changes its pitch when i move the webpage up and down or refresh the page. its very odd
Can you transfer your connection to other electrical wall?if there are ups or avr available use it, lets diagnose the problem from the very basics where the voltage came from, do you know how to use voltmeter?you can check the voltage output by removing that power cord and test it using voltmeter. How much the standard wall outlet voltage in your area? So that we can check that the PSU input voltage is normal. If the voltage is normal like here in the Philippines is 220 volts.
on closer inspection..the sound seems to be coming from the waterblock or the cpu. if the water block on the corsair is not making proper contact to the cpu..can this cause that coil whine thing? again im not 100% sure thats were noise is coming from but i can narrow it down to either that or the psu.
i dont no about voltmeter i just no that the electricity is coming from the mains of are house. the pc is pluged into a floor extention witch is connected to a socket in the wall..i cant test another socket in the wall cuz there is only one were the pc is. .i do no that the floor extention is power surged protected though
Ok do it, find or borrow a new psu with the same specs, or try to do this in your PSU, remove your psu in the system case, open the psu and remove the exhaust fan, then in the center of the exhaust fan you will see a plastic or rubber cap remove it, put a machine oil to lubricate the small bearing inside. Clean the inside of psu also use a blower or paint brush to remove the dust buildup. Check also if the top appearance of the capacitor is change this indicates that the caps is leaking.
i cant exaclty borrow or find a powersupply unit. i would have to buy it..and i have been considering to get the xfx 1050. i might just do this it seems to be the easyest option..i dont trust opening a power supply unit and fideling with the insides..that shit is dangerous and im not experinced enough to go through with it. but back to the you no if that could cause the coil wine thing.
Yes of course because waterblock is using winding also, but to assure that this is the most problem check in a store where you want to buy the PSU and question them also about the waterblock. Is the coolant of this waterblock is replaceable? and many years this waterblock now?