ever since i replaced my dud corsairh100 for a corsairh100 i v2. iv been hearing this wierd like buzzing electrical sound and i dont recal hearing it beffore..at first i thought it was the cooler then the cpu but now im thinking it might be my power supply unit but its hard to tell. if it was the cpu could inproperly applyd thermal compound cause it to make that noise? beacuse when i was installing the cooler i could not get it to go down on the motherbord with the screws it came up a few times and beacuse of this it made contact to the cpu more then once. i was using the preapply d one that was on the new cooler if however its not the cpu and it is the powersupply witch im thinking it might be. ever since i upgraded my graphics card to sli 980tis and 4k screen i was experincing strange blackouts on the screen for split seconds..back then i thought it was either the tv or the graphics card so i had them replaced and stil lthe same thing happend. at this point if it is the powersupply im thinking to get the xfx 1050 to replace my old corsairhx1000. this problem was not present on my old grpahics card and old 1080p tv though witch is my main resson for thinking it to be the powersupply. i would go for the corsairhx1000i but its way out of my price range.and my warrenty on the old model is no longer valid. thanks