Strange CPU problem

Woody Lai

Dec 17, 2014
I just bought my new computer recently and I was going to do some overclocking stuff.

Motherboard: ASRock Fatal1ty 990FX Killer
Display Card: SAPPHIRE R9 290X 8GB Vapor-X OC
CPU: AMD FX-8320
CPU Cooling: CoolerMaster SEIDON 120V plus
RAM: Corsair Vengeance 2x8GB DDR3 1866MHz
PSU: CoolerMaster GXII Pro 550W

But before I've changed anything, I've found a strange problem. My vcore is always at a voltage of around 0.86V and the CPU at around 1400MHz with ratio of 7.0 (checked by CPU-Z and HWiNFO)
I have tried to stress test it using prime95 and OCCT but the vcore nor the CPU clock increased, and in OCCT it shows that the CPU is in a negative overclocking of -60%, with the current clock being around 1400MHz and the original should be 3500MHz as it is shown.
Tried to change the power management in the BIOS and turned off all the power saving mode in it but it didn't change.
It really confused me as the performance is really poor now. It lags when I play 1080p videos on Youtube and also when I play CS:GO in a relatively low setting.
I have installed every possible drivers already.
Is my CPU defected? Or is there any settings that I missed?
Something is definitely wrong with the temperature readings unless you're reading them wrong. You should download HWinfo and run sensors. Watch the CPU core and package temps and see what they do under idle and load. There is no way any cpu can be 26° at idle and 30° under 100% load.

What are you using for the load? You should be using Prime95 version 26.6 found here. Do not use other versions:

Open Prime95 and run Small FFTs for ten minutes and take a screenshot of all the sensors on the HWinfo sensors screen. This will take more than one screenshot to get it all. Post the screenshots here using to generate the links.

Also take screenshots of the...
I haven installed F-Stream once but uninstalled after finding out the voltage problem.
My CPU is 26.5 degree at idle and around 30 at load> I think the pump is working properly.
I have tried to disable Cool n Quiet but it's still the same =[
Something is definitely wrong with the temperature readings unless you're reading them wrong. You should download HWinfo and run sensors. Watch the CPU core and package temps and see what they do under idle and load. There is no way any cpu can be 26° at idle and 30° under 100% load.

What are you using for the load? You should be using Prime95 version 26.6 found here. Do not use other versions:

Open Prime95 and run Small FFTs for ten minutes and take a screenshot of all the sensors on the HWinfo sensors screen. This will take more than one screenshot to get it all. Post the screenshots here using to generate the links.

Also take screenshots of the sensors at idle with no open applications except for HWinfo. You can also use Core Temp to monitor temps:




100% Load for about 45 mins:




This is really really weird now. Seriously I have no idea how is this possible.
I mean, other than my HDDs everything is brand new.
Really frustrated and curious about how can my computer still works.
Something is SERIOUSLY wrong. There is NO possible way your package or core temps could be 8°C after 45 min, or even 1 second, at 100% load.

I would start over with everything. Make sure you have the 8 pin CPU atx12v power plug firmly seated in the board and the 24 pin connector as well.

Verify you have the cooler pump and fans on the right headers.

Honestly, I think you either have a faulty motherboard or cpu, but it's possible it could be something else. It would seem, at a guess, that the system is reporting the base possible CPU temps as it may not be getting a sensor signal.

Go into the BIOS and see what the temperatures are being reported as there and post it here.

Reset the BIOS to default settings and maybe even double check to see that the cmos reset jumper isn't accidentally on the reset pins instead of the default location on the board. IF they ARE where they are supposed to be, try moving them to the reset position for a few seconds with the power to the board removed (Unplug the cable) and then back to the default position and then go back into the BIOS to see if anything has changed.

This is a cause for serious concern if it can't be corrected.
I've checked it today, and everything is connected correctly.
I've also reset the BIOS and the CMOS but everything is the same and in the BIOS, it shows that the CPU is at 24°C.
Somehow I can conclude that I have a faulty CPU now. Maybe I should ask for refund and buy a new one tomorrow.
I've asked a moderator whose opinions I respect, to take a look at this thread and offer a second opinion as I'm not yet convinced enough as to whether it's the board or the cpu, or something else altogether. My thought is that it's the cpu as the core sensors are located within the cpu, and the package and motherboard temps aren't nearly as questionable as the core temps. However, there is still every possibility it could be related to the motherboard since the cpu multiplier is not being increased and may be the core issue as to why temps are staying so low. At only a 7x multiplier there probably wouldn't be much heat even at full load.

Hopefully his insight will help to sort this out as he works much more in depth with issues related to cpu temperature.
It turns out that I don't have any temp reading in AMD OverDrive other than the critical value of temperature of the CPU (sorry but don't know how to translate the term back to English as my system language is not English).
I've got a new CPU already but it's the same, so can I conclude that it's the board problem?
Or could it be my PSU? The power is enough to support my whole computer, right?
Although your PSU would be marginal under heavy load conditions, there were realistically only two possibilities, and you've successfully narrowed it down. 😀 Good job of troubleshooting. :sol:

Please let us know when you're up and running on your replacement motherboard.

So I brought my motherboard to the distributor in my country this afternoon and they need to send it back to the factory for checking and repairing.
I need to wait for 4 F**KING WEEKS to get that monster back.
Anyway, then I "borrowed" a motherboard from my friend and now everything is fine. WOOHOOOOOOOOOOOO~~
Just want to let you guys know you are really AWESOME!!
Thanks for all the replies and I hope that I won't need to bump this topic a month later LOL