Strange display lag.

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Matt C2

Feb 19, 2017
I am having the strangest issue with my Windows 10 PC. The best way I can describe it is a kind of display lag. For example while in Chrome if I click other bookmarks i can see the outline of the window but it is transparent. Strange thing I just figured out while trying to take a screen shot is the window will show the instant I hit print screen key 100% of the time. Exploring windows is the same way. For example when I right click the windows logo to bring up menu i get the transparent window that will show immediately after I hit prt sc key. If I wait long enough without hitting prt sc the window will show on its own. Was also experiencing the lag when typing in steam messenger for some odd reason. I'm relieved i found the print screen key trick so that it doesn't take ages to do everything but it is a huge inconvenience and any help would be great appreciated.
That is odd, wonder how sleep fixes it... (I didn't reply as I was having a snooze, seems to have fixed me so perhaps my question is wrong)

right click start button
choose power options
what power plan are you running PC on? I would try High Performance
if its not showing in the list, click "show additional plans" at bottom of screen

that will run CPU at max speed and make sure everything is awake.

try turning transparency off - right click desktop, personalisation/Colours, Make Start, Taskbar & action centre transparent

Can you give us a list of parts (or if its a brand name PC, the Make/model)

Sorry so new to this forum not even sure if Im replying the correct way. To answer your question I have downloaded most recent driver from Geforce Experience app. Just tried window drag setting and it didnt seem to fix the issue. Another strange thing happened..i left my pc on when fell asleep last night. Woke up and it was in sleep mode. When I woke PC up everything was working normally. Restarted PC to see if it was permanently fixed and it is not. Having same issue after the restart.

Update: I just made my computer go back to sleep by changing the setting to 1 minute and everything works normally again after waking it back up.
That is odd, wonder how sleep fixes it... (I didn't reply as I was having a snooze, seems to have fixed me so perhaps my question is wrong)

right click start button
choose power options
what power plan are you running PC on? I would try High Performance
if its not showing in the list, click "show additional plans" at bottom of screen

that will run CPU at max speed and make sure everything is awake.

try turning transparency off - right click desktop, personalisation/Colours, Make Start, Taskbar & action centre transparent

Can you give us a list of parts (or if its a brand name PC, the Make/model)
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