Strange error disk 153 in event viewer


Sep 6, 2017
Hi all. First of all, sorry for my bad english.

Let me explain what's happening on my computer... from dec 2017, event viewer started to be flooded by several error 153 disk entries on my WD Blue that i bought on august 2017. I tried to switch Sata port on the motherboard... and cables too. Suddenly, the error went on my WD Red (that i bought with the Blue, so August 2017).

I tried to switch ports again. Change cables again... nothing.

I gave up because i didn't know what to do, so I didn't switched nothing else (ports or cables... it was useless).

But now I noticed that the errors keep to switch disks... it affected my ssd (samsung 850 pro) for some days... after few days, it switched on my WD Red again. And so on... What the hell is happening?

I thought that could be a PSU problem, but I play resources intensive games a lot and my psu worked just fine all the time. When errors occurs, I'm not playing anything. So... and games works well. All work well when there are no errors. But when there are, operations on that disk are very slow. For example: i'm trying to access my WD red when there are errors on it? It's very slow. When it's on my SSD, some programs are slows. So, there aren't just windows idiots erros. I guess there must be some hardware problem.

Maybe sata controllers are failing? I need to change motherboard?

Recap: surely, hard drives and ssd are perfectly in good shape. Psu... i don't think it have problems, or I should notice problems during intensive gaming sessions. Ram issues? I don't think it's connected but maybe i'm wrong. So... some ideas?

btw, my computer is something like 5 years old

I think the bios is already updated (i need to check it out but I did a check a couple of years ago and it seems the latest driver is dated 2014 on the official website of AsRock; same for all other drivers
My bios version is 2.40. New one is 2.90 but in the change log there aren't clues about some "hard disk bug" fix or something. plus, this is a problem that i started having only few months ago, so I'm not sure that updating the bios will do something and I never did it, I'm bit scared

I've had problems suddenly appear that a BIOS update has fixed. It's best practice to have the latest version. As long as your power doesn't go out in the middle of it you'll be ok.