Strange floating specks on infrared camera

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Feb 11, 2012
Hello, I have recently set up a camera on my front porch, set to view the driveway and any (dropped, banged, kicked, smashed) package deliveries. The Camera is under a roof and protected from weather. Tonight, it is 14 degrees f and there is no snow or rain or anything like that. The camera uses near infrared led's for night vision. When viewing in the dark (the effect stops if I turn on the porch light) I can see little specks floating upward across the camera image. When watching, it looks like gnats or fruit flies flying close to the camera, but it's far too cold out for bugs. The specks always move in generally upward motion, sometimes zigzagging or curving across the screen. I also thought that it looked a bit as though there were a fire under the camera and we were seeing floating embers, but of course there's no fires on my porch!! Standing on the porch I can't see any kind of floating specs, there's no dogwood trees shedding bits of fluff or anything... We've observed these little "floaters" every night, any time that the camera is using the IR for illumination. The specks are blurry and appear to be very close to the camera lens. I tried to google this but just got a bunch of ghosty paranormal nonsense, and I wasn't able to find a video that looked like mine do. Does anyone have and idea what I'm seeing? Is it a video artifact? Thank you!!

most likely caused by the ir led's themselves, go outside without turning on your porch light and stare closely into the camera, if you see the ir led's flickering up like the image then thats your problem, glass in front of the leds will also produce this effect

this is a problem with many cheap "night vision" cameras on the market, although ir leds do work to illuminate the night for cctv, the cameras that have them built in are built like garbage in 90% of the cases, the ir illumination actually causes a reflective effect on the image, good ir cameras have ir cut off filter that filter out the reflections, the best way to utilize infrared for night time illumination is to use a good day/night camera with ir filter lens built in (color day- black and white night) without ir leds and use a separate ir illumination modules or ir lamps.

hope that helps if not, post again and well try something else
Your issue sounds exactly like mine.
Except my camera is indoors in a warehouse with no windows only a bay door that is far and closed from the camera.
No air conditioning either .. No ventilation.
These little speck glow and travel pretty fast and sometimes it's one or many but the thing I notice the most is that they go into the wall and disappear ..
It's very clear.
There is also a flame like thing that happens on one video ... It actually makes a noise as it does it like flapping.. And again there is nothing that can move there.... No fire and no embers.

I see this phenomenon too, and have for the past several months. Mine are like billions (or more, at their heaviest flow) tiny flying objects moving in more or less unison, and some times extremely quickly. And when this flow is strongest it's making it difficult to see more than a few feet past the camera (I can usually see clearly across or down the length of the street, from various cameras). But when they move slower, it appears to me to be some kind of micro bug, as the swarm tends to move like flying bird groups do, not randomly or in complete unison. This isn't any form of camera issue. This is definitely something living, IMO. And as you say, the strangest part is that no matter how hard you try the naked eye can't see even the slightest trace of any movement or related disturbance during this event. And it honesty freaks me out that virtually no one else is seeing or discussing this!?!? It's very bizarre, and a little spooky to me, especially when the flow is so dense - and yet you can see NOTHING with your eyes or even using digital cameras. If anyone finds anything about what we are actually seeing, I'd love to hear!


the fact of the matter is that in fact the strange particulates that you are seeing are a mixture of the fallout from geoengineering programs (aluminum barium lithium}being implemented on a global scale growing in intensity daily in a desperate attempt to stop global warming research arctic methane release and particles resulting from the multiple meltdowns and explosions that have occurred at Fukushima if you look closely you may notice that some particles are circular or round appearing hollow in the center this is indicative of spent plutonium and other materials sent in to gulf stream air currents i urge anyone reading this don't believe me do the research yourself mainstream media is a absolute joke they are long since bought and payed for and are being used to cover up many things occurring on this planet that could very well lead to the absolute end of all life on the planet please you owe it to yourselves your children to uncover the truth about this world before you wright me off as a conspiracy nut ask yourself what if hes right

I just set up my camera it is HD and i am seeing fast moving floating something in my basement i set it up to see if the children would get up out of bed. I would aso like to know what iam looking at very scared. Very fast and i cant make out what iam looking at in any resolution. disapears in to walls and my basement floor As a mom Iam seeing it go on for hours


Okay so we see them on the video camera when dark that is confirmed. Have you tried at dusk time looking out at the sunset now? I've noticed that where there are clouds right at eye level.. Those orbs are easily seen in pictures with a camera such as an iPhone or Nikon or canon. Well not so much the orb itself but trails it makes in the clouds. Colors and sunsets. And no not chemtrails.


No, the orbs or spheres that I am seeing are not even close to that you show in the video. However, that kind of fast flies or whatever they are, can be observed some nights when the orbs are absent. For instance, when we have too much wind or it is raining or even after the rain, the orbs are never present. They like no windy, relatively hot and quiet nights, thus they can float on the air slowly. These orbs are the largest, and they are slow. Others instead are very fast, and move in groups. They travel horizontally straight and close to the floor, and generally are small. Even other solitary smaller orbs seem to have an intermittent light. What I see is in all my cameras and I was noticed that spherical and very fast "things" have been reported from some security cameras in Montevideo, 40 km from where I live. I will try to upload a video as soon as possible. Helena
No, the orbs or spheres that I am seeing are not even close to that you show in the video. However, that kind of fast flies or whatever they are, can be observed some nights when the orbs are absent. For instance, when we have too much wind or it is raining or even after the rain, the orbs are never present. They like no windy, relatively hot and quiet nights, thus they can float on the air slowly. These orbs are the largest, and they are slow. Others instead are very fast, and move in groups. They travel horizontally straight and close to the floor, and generally are small. Even other solitary smaller orbs seem to have an intermittent light. What I see is in all my cameras and I was noticed that spherical and very fast "things" have been reported from some security cameras in Montevideo, 40 km from where I live. I will try to upload a video as soon as possible. Helena
Hey, there are lots of variation in shapes and moves of these particles on my cam, too. There must be some environmental parameters, like humidity, below zero temperatures etc which causes the IR leds to reflect back to lenses that way. I followed the image tonight and at one point it just got clear within few minutes. It's not happening every night and I can live with it. And I'm believing there's nothing I can do to fix the issue. Maybe there are more suitable cameras for local weather conditions.
Anyway thanks for everybody who shared information!


I am seeing the same thing in my night vision cameras. I have a Arlo system and was wondering if it was exclusively linked to Arlo. I did see something about as big as a dollar bill fly by on the camera in my garage

I think I have an idea what it is - I have this on two of my cameras that I just installed. Of the four cameras installed only two have this effect of light spots going every which direction. I thought what is different about these two camera - but they are under mounted under the eaves as opposed to on the side of the house like the other two. I suspect this has to do with a few things: 1. the air currents and dust. 2. Poor quality infrared that has been mentioned in other postings here. 3. The configuration settings - there appears to be many settings that you can adjust the cameras and I suspect that it has to do with a filter. The underside of my eaves are a white metallic and I suspect that it might also reflect some lights which may also contribute to particulates and other items showing on the IR.
I tried a experiment in my living room where I was seeing Orbs. Some small and some big enough to actually see inside them. They have a swirly Type of appearance on the inside of them. Long story short I was convinced they were orbs everybody I know kept telling me it was dust. So the experiment I tried one as I have a fish tank that is next to a set of carpeted steps. I placed the camera on top of the fish tank turned all the lights out and rubbed the carpet and hit on it and wow!, there were my orbs. A bunch of dust. I wouldn't of believed it but I tried it and saw it with my own eyes.
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