Strange FPS drops

Nov 22, 2016
I've been playing battlefield 1 for a while now and haven't had to many problems with frame drops in the past. For some reason as of late my system has been producing a sort of stutter, this occurs when there is very little happening on screen for my GPU to process. Looking around it seems like it could be a CPU bottle neck but I've never really had this problem before a few weeks ago. Any tips or suggestions would be helpful.
With that setup you should have zero bottlenecking, the 6600k should be able to handle the 1080ti with no issues. What I would check is your temps, download something like CPUID's HWMonitor and have it open while you are playing your games. It will record your highest temps and then just check to see if the temps are running high and go from there. If this is an older build it is possible that you might need to reapply thermal paste to the CPU, possibly add a case fan, etc. Also make sure you have all available Windows updates plus you are running the newest video card drivers.

My build is less then a year old so the thermal paste most likely isn't an issue. Last I checked, my CPU hangs around at about 45°C and GPU around 48°C but I probably will check again. I believe my driver's are all up to date and my windows has the most recent update but once again I'll check up on that.