Strange internet problem


Dec 9, 2016
Ok so i get this problem. Basically my internet shows that im from another country, for example, i restart my router and my IP always changes. So for example my IP is now . Im in teamspeak now and it says that im from Netherlands, but when i put my IP on it says country - Lithuania. Same thing happens in game osu!, it says that im from Sweden or from Russia, but when i put my ip into ip-tracker it says from Lithuania (Im living in Lithuania). Yeah, and i also get ads in my browser from Sweden, Netherlands, or Russia. Sorry for my bad english, and please, help me ;D Thanks.
You can't really do anything. It would be like if I had a program on my computer that said you were from the UK. It is totally wrong but it is my program that is not correct.

You likely could use a vpn to correct it if it is really that important. You could use a vpn service in a city very close so you do not pay a performance hit and you would then likely get a ip from a different ISP which may locate correctly. In most cases it really makes no difference. The only thing I have seen that makes a difference is something like netflix that has country restriction. In that case you would tell netflix their location program is incorrect and they should fix it...and they likely would.
Location services get things really wrong sometimes. It many times depends how much effort they go though. The IP block you are using is owned by a swedish company. The strange thing is they have a small block of ip very close to the address you are using that is in lithuania. They may have expanded the range and the registration info is still not been updated.
yeah, but what should i do to fix this? actually i tried changing dns adresses to google ones, i rebooted my router 5 times, and everytime it said that im from lithuania
You can't really do anything. It would be like if I had a program on my computer that said you were from the UK. It is totally wrong but it is my program that is not correct.

You likely could use a vpn to correct it if it is really that important. You could use a vpn service in a city very close so you do not pay a performance hit and you would then likely get a ip from a different ISP which may locate correctly. In most cases it really makes no difference. The only thing I have seen that makes a difference is something like netflix that has country restriction. In that case you would tell netflix their location program is incorrect and they should fix it...and they likely would.