Question Strange noise when testing an SSD with Samsung Magican ?


Jun 16, 2020
A week ago a strange smell appeared for a few minutes, then disappeared without a trace. Everything is fine on all benchmarks. Temperatures are good, but is this from the pump or the motherboard?
Honestly, I'm worried it's from a capacitor.

Or it's very possible it's even from the pump, because there are clearly problems with the circuit's argb which is static.

It appears during random reading when testing a 1TB Samsung 990 Pro.

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capacitors smell intensely like sweet chemical, if you get a strong wiff of it it will stick in your throat for hours, once you've smelt it once you never forget it. A popped capacitor would likely give you other problems that you'd have noticed by now, and you'd be able to spot it by visual inspection

as for the noise (third strange noise post I've replied to today LOL) I'm not quite certain which noise I'm listening to, I can hear pump whine, I don't know if this is true or not (no personal experience) but people have told me that if you tip a PC so the radiator is above the cooler it can help air to come out of the pump and go to the radiator which can remove unwanted whining noises

someone with more experience would have to comment
you have 49 and 25 code with your motherboard , Look up your mb, what does it mean.
that display shows all different numbers,
31,37,26,23,24,49,25, 33, 56,57
it jumps from 49 to 25 really fast to be temps... but the 56/57 did happen when fans at speed so maybe

turning speakers up, I can hear the 49 did happen when fans spinning fast so could be temps. Can't say I seen a mb with temp led on it. Red not color I would have chosen

What motherboard do you have?

As for noise, sounds like water flow to me
who makes the transformer AIO?

Motherboards generally don't make noise, so if its a question between something with moving parts and something without, I would pick pump first.
because there are clearly problems with the circuit's argb which is static
So its argb doesn't work either?
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that display shows all different numbers,
31,37,26,23,24,49,25, 33, 56,57
it jumps from 49 to 25 really fast to be temps... but the 56/57 did happen when fans at speed so maybe

turning speakers up, I can hear the 49 did happen when fans spinning fast so could be temps. Can't say I seen a mb with temp led on it. Red not color I would have chosen

What motherboard do you have?

As for noise, sounds like water flow to me
who makes the transformer AIO?


In my opinion, these are not errors but processor temperature.
However, it is during an SSD test which is intensive.
I could be wrong, I'm not sure.
It is very possible that it is from the pump.

If you watch the video you will understand that the circle on the pump does not rotate, but the small round logo below does, and they are connected with an extension cable, the RGB of the fans (which work normally) with the RGB of the pump and the extension cable itself is connected to the CPU fan and the RGB of the motherboard.
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If it sounded like this one I could guess it was the pump

does it sound like water running? this video isn't long enough
Thank God it's not that bad.
I sincerely hope it's the pump, not the motherboard, because it's my second one, I have another one sitting in the HERO Z790 box due to bent pins on the socket in some service center...
does it sound like this one?
I can tell its not you, his lights work

it seems a noisy pump is fairly typical of EK and it could be a sign of trouble ahead... could. Its hard to say as in most cases, people without problems don't post saying that.
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does it sound like this one?
I can tell its not you, his lights work

it seems a noisy pump is fairly typical of EK and it could be a sign of trouble ahead... could. Its hard to say as in most cases, people without problems don't post saying that.
I also had a strange smell a week ago, that's what's worrying me. Because a leaking capacitor and such noise are very closely related.
the last post in that reddit post makes me wonder if HWINFO would reveal anything in relation to when noise happens.

I isolated the issue to the pump not only by hearing like you did in the OP, but also having HWInfo open while the pump is singing and noticed it does that when it ramps up to around 3000-3100 rpm (it's max range), then my entire system turns quiet when the pump drops back below this max level.

Download HWINFO -

when you open the app, click the tick box next to show sensors only, and click run
in the next window, click on the gear icon in bottom right, this opens settings.

On General tab, under polling period, set it to 500 and click the set button next to it, and click OK. this reduces the amount of time between sensors updating so its more accurate and you can watch CPU fall and rise all day.

now I would open the sensors view and look for the fans on it - you might be amazed at how many sensors you have... but the fans should be on one area marked for motherboard
if its like mine, sections are:
  1. memory
  2. CPU
  3. memory timings
  4. CPU again
next section should be motherboard, which is what you might want to look at
it should show the fan rpm, might even show pump rpm. (windows has no idea what speed my pump is running, by design... it runs at PWM)

in theory you could add those to your task bar as sensors. I have a few of the temp ones on mine
This shows temps but same works for any sensor

mine just show - Core temps, case temps, CPU package temps, NVME temp, GPU temp
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the last post in that reddit post makes me wonder if HWINFO would reveal anything in relation to when noise happens.

Download HWINFO -

when you open the app, click the tick box next to show sensors only, and click run
in the next window, click on the gear icon in bottom right, this opens settings.

On General tab, under polling period, set it to 500 and click the set button next to it, and click OK. this reduces the amount of time between sensors updating so its more accurate and you can watch CPU fall and rise all day.

now I would open the sensors view and look for the fans on it - you might be amazed at how many sensors you have... but the fans should be on one area marked for motherboard
if its like mine, sections are:
  1. memory
  2. CPU
  3. memory timings
  4. CPU again
next section should be motherboard, which is what you might want to look at
it should show the fan rpm, might even show pump rpm. (windows has no idea what speed my pump is running, by design... it runs at PWM)

in theory you could add those to your task bar as sensors. I have a few of the temp ones on mine
This shows temps but same works for any sensor

mine just show - Core temps, case temps, CPU package temps, NVME temp, GPU temp
Yes, I checked these things.
I have no problems on benchmarks, 486 on Blender, 3056 single on Geekbench, multi 20567, Cinebench R23 single 2251, multi 36100 / 36600
I use Linux 99% of the time and haven't had the chance to load up the machine that much.
Apparently that's why I'm seeing the problems now.
I think best advice is to just watch temps and keep an ear out for those noises.

How loud is it? can you hear it over rest of PC or just with case side off?

if its not constant or daily, I wouldn't worry too much.
I think best advice is to just watch temps and keep an ear out for those noises.

How loud is it? can you hear it over rest of PC or just with case side off?

if its not constant or daily, I wouldn't worry too much.
Temperatures are fine I think.
Even on Cinebench R23 I didn't see anything more than 70 75 degrees
At the OCCT there were moments of 79 80 degrees, that's the most
Apparently the pump is working well with the CPU cooling, but this noise...
I hope it's not from the motherboard and some capacitor, but I don't think so, it's most likely from the pump
Well, the noise is clearly audible even outside the box, a medium-strong squeak
This is when testing the SSD with the Samsung Magician program
i listened again and I don't hear anything apart from possible water flow. i won't try to listen to it right now again as there is a loud noise outside that would block it. I was listening to music on headphones, turned it off to listen to your video once more and noticed noise - my 1st act was to jump up and make sure noise wasn't my pc - but it is plumber outside running his pump. If my PC was that loud I wouldn't be typing now :)

I can hear 3 noises
  1. one that sounds like waterflow
  2. fans
  3. one that is harder to describe. Seems to merge in with the pump noise.
especially with so many noise sources around.
  1. AIO above
  2. Fan to left
  3. Pump in front
Nvme below but I doubt its a source of noise.

One way to isolate the noise is to create a funnel using a piece of paper and try to listen down it.

Or just don't test ssd as often if it only happened then.
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i listened again and I don't hear anything apart from possible water flow. i won't try to listen to it right now again as there is a loud noise outside that would block it. I was listening to music on headphones, turned it off to listen to your video once more and noticed noise - my 1st act was to jump up and make sure noise wasn't my pc - but it is plumber outside running his pump. If my PC was that loud I wouldn't be typing now :)

I can hear 3 noises
  1. one that sounds like waterflow
  2. fans
  3. one that is harder to describe. Seems to merge in with the pump noise.
especially with so many noise sources around.
  1. AIO above
  2. Fan to left
  3. Pump in front
Nvme below but I doubt its a source of noise.

One way to isolate the noise is to create a funnel using a piece of paper and try to listen down it.

Or just don't test ssd as often if it only happened then.
The machine was in the service center a week ago to check the water cooling, I also asked them for tests and they found nothing, they said everything is fine.
The SSD is a 990 pro 1 TB, affected by the first bad firmware. 8% of its life has already passed, but the program shows that it is fine.
For there to be noise only under load, it could be the power supply, video card, cooling or capacitor.
I turn off the power supply and video card, it must be either the pump or some capacitor.
could be you need to update some windows drivers if its fine in linux

hwinfo just checks sensors, its not a benchmark. I can guess you have similar on Linux so just watch temps and monitor noise.
Shame no linux version of Magician.
There is something similar but not the same, DC Tool Kit for Linux from Samsung.
I don't use dual boot, I'll soon just delete Windows and have only Linux again.
But I had to do these tests for myself, because they told me everything was fine, well, apparently it wasn't.
I turn off the power supply and video card, it must be either the pump or some capacitor.
if you turn power supply off, nothing works :)

8% life used already? Mines still on 1% after 4 years.

its actually closer to 954 days old, its just nvme turn off when they can, Its same age as hdd which was installed on the same day.

Did its diagnostics show as okay?
if you turn power supply off, nothing works :)

8% life used already? Mines still on 1% after 4 years.

its actually closer to 954 days old, its just nvme turn off when they can, Its same age as hdd which was installed on the same day.

Did its diagnostics show as okay?
Figuratively speaking, I turn it off.
Evo didn't have this problem, it was a problem related to the 980 pro and 990 pro
I also have an 870 evo, it's completely healthy.
3rd drive in image is a 970 Evo plus nvme, its my boot drive.
the 870 just shows as 1st as its sata. its my games drive. rarely gets any use.

970 evo had its own problems but I missed them.