Hello... Try re-seating your RAM and or Video card.
Do your CPU and Video cards Fans start turning at power on?
Try re-booting with one stick of ram.
Try re-booting without your Video card.
Hello... Have you tried un-plugging it? looking at the Connections? inspecting the connector pins? or Cleaning them? And have you read your manual PDF?
Hello... have you read your manual PDF for your MB? Sounds like your Power supply is not working with your MB, if the above is not helping.
Ironsounds :
Hello... Have you tried un-plugging it? looking at the Connections? inspecting the connector pins? or Cleaning them? And have you read your manual PDF?
I tried clearing CMOS and it seems to have worked but now the debug LED shows code 04 is it something to worry about?
And yes I have read the manual it does not have code 04 listed.