Question Strange problem with monitor going black


Aug 2, 2017
I am having this strange problem with one of my monitors. On a desktop running windows 11, I have 2 1440p monitors. The monitor in question is a Dell S2716DGR. Every once in a while, it will start to flicker. By flicker I mean the monitor will turn black for a split second. Usually does it a few times in a row, sometimes only once. Almost seems like a loose cable connection but I have checked all that, haven't tried different cables yet.

The strange part about this is it tends to flicker when I move the mouse a certain way, like really fast back and forth,and also when I am plugging a usb drive into a usb hub. This happens really inconsistent. Been trying to figure out a pattern to it but typically once it does flicker, it will stop for a while. I can't get it to happen on purpose, it just randomly happens. One thing I have noticed is it seems to happen when pc has been sitting idle for a while.

The really strange thing about this is with the usb hub and usb drive. When it does start to flicker, I can move the usb drive in the hub and it will cause it to flicker. The thing is when this happens, the slot that the usb drive is in is not even powered on. Each slot can be turned off separate from the rest.

Now here lately when it does start to flicker by mouse movement, I can hear the disconnect and reconnect sound like when adding and removing a usb drive. This is before even touching the usb drive.

When this first started happening, I thought maybe the monitor is going bad. After all, it is 6+ years old. But if that is the case, why would it only happen either when I move the mouse or mess with a usb drive in a usb hub. This is only happening on the Dell monitor. Not sure if this is a monitor problem or I have a problem that is usb related.