strange shift key behaviour


Dec 2, 2011
I can't use the shift key on my asus ux31 ultrabook running win7 x64. When i do, it types a string of gibberish characters.

left shift: "\6=0p]" ("#6=0p]" with uk keyboard)
right shift: ";v.j,/"

Tried a bunch of other keyboards (english us, uk, canadian, australian) with the same result.

This does not happen with a usb keyboard though. but that kinda defeats the purpose of a portable laptop.

any suggestions? i've tried driver updates, windows updates- thinking about a bios update.
shift + (any key) pressed once does not normally produce 6 characters at a time. It also cant produce numbers or several of the symbols i'm seeing on the us/uk keyboard.

anyway ive run through all the letters, numbers and symbols and they all work fine.

i think its related to a driver or hotkey program but have no idea how to fix it.
exact same laptop, exact same problem.
I have also tried restoring factory defaults. NO success.

did you get any solution? (ridiculously using on-screen keyboard)

exact same laptop, exact same problem.
I have also tried restoring factory defaults. NO success.

did you get any solution? (ridiculously using on-screen keyboard)

I have the exact same problem.
I've told the company it is their issue and as such it's their responsibility to fix at their expense, as there are plenty of others who have the same problem.
I hope you have phoned ASUS
I can't use the shift key on my asus ux31 ultrabook running win7 x64. When i do, it types a string of gibberish characters.

left shift: "\6=0p]" ("#6=0p]" with uk keyboard)
right shift: ";v.j,/"

Tried a bunch of other keyboards (english us, uk, canadian, australian) with the same result.

This does not happen with a usb keyboard though. but that kinda defeats the purpose of a portable laptop.

any suggestions?
I have the exact same problem with my Asus UX31E:

left shift: "\6=0p]" ("#6=0p]" with uk keyboard)
right shift: ";v.j,/"

As of yet I still have not been able to solve the issue. Has anyone heard from Asus about the error? And has anyone tried upgrading to Windows 10? Would that help?

Thanks in advance!
You can use Autohotkey to make a script that specifically states that pressing the shift button will send a shift keystroke.

Try the + first, then either of the scancodes, and see if any of them work.

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
SetTitleMatchMode, 2      
+::Send {Shift} ;;;;;;;;; + means shift
SC02A::Send {Shift} ;;;;;;;;;02A is left shift
SC036::Send {Shift} ;;;;;;;;;;;;;036 is right shift