Strange throttling, cpu blockade at 0,8GHz.

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May 22, 2018
Hello forum members!

Usually I'm a passive user of the Internet and I search for problems instead of asking in posts, but this time I am really powerless. I've got problems with my 6 months old "gaming" laptop Lenovo Legion Y520-15 IKBA. Few days ago I forgot to plug in the power supply and I started playing game on battery so I guess that it didn't give laptop components enough power, so throttling occured. I thought that It's nothing special, because I had that before and it stopped after few hours. This time, unfortunatelly, It lasts about 6 days and can't go away. I don't know what's wrong with this laptop, but this is really strange. I checked that everything is fine at programs like HWiNFO64, CPU-Z, GPU-Z, CristalDisk and others and it shows that nothing is wrong. The only one way to off this blockade is disabling BD PROCHOT option in ThrottleStop programme, but it doesn't really deprives the problem, but only goes around it. I don't know what to do - I don't want to send it on guarantee, because I've got a lot of important data on it and moreover it serves me in work.
Specs of the laptop:

Here are some screens from the following problem:

Thanks in advance and If more infos are needed I will show it to You.
PS. Sorry for possible mistakes in text - I'm from Poland and my english isn't perfect 😀

Lenovo support told me to click in BIOS on bios back flash feature so I did that. Then I had to just install same bios as i had and eureka, everything's fine!
install MSI afterburner, get in settings to the monitoring settings and enable CPU frequency as well as CPU temperature

while playing origins, run MSI afterburner for about 15minutes
have a look at the graphic of afterburner
highest temp. while max frequency was reached, should have dropped to 800MHz there
I am waiting for third reply from lenovo service, they said that i have to change option in advanced power supply plan called "Intel(R) Dynamic Platform and Dynamic Platform and Thermal Framework" to maximum. I wrote them that I don't have that option and when i was searching for this thing the Internet said that I have to install driver for this. I'm gonna wait for their respond and for now I won't do anything that u told me, but really THANK YOU for help and have a nice day 😀
Lenovo support told me to click in BIOS on bios back flash feature so I did that. Then I had to just install same bios as i had and eureka, everything's fine!
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