StrayOS Beta "Amazing Apathy" released!


Beta available!


It has an icon now. FYI, this is not CC material.

Still experimental... with school and all that jazz.

But here's my own Fedora-based distro! 😍

I do not have the energy for this

Known issues:
*Still using generic icons
*Remi repo not yet working - no new Firefox and Thunderbird
*Does not default to Australian/British spelling 😛
Awesome project and I'm sure a whole learning experience for you. I even rather like the name. I do have a couple of observations though. Please don't take these as against the work you've done, they are more observations on the state of play at the moment.

The spin is out, you're now going to be subject to a whole load of people asking you to add things to it and expressing their own thoughts on how it should be done. At this point you can do what most linux forks do, either ignore them and go your own way or, like far to many spins, let it fall into an unmaintained state.

Please don't get me wrong on this, I'm impressed with the project. It's more an observation on the challenges that Linux faces by virtue of its flexibility and open nature. I just wonder if perhaps the focus for a lot of smaller maintainers would not be better spent on customisation scripts that take a well supported base OS like Debian and allow end users to customise. Download the base OS then run 'Music Station' or 'Render Station' scripts to add and configure the parts they need for those tasks. I'm thinking something like but task focussed and making use of the native repositories of the base OS chosen.

Either way, white hats off to you for having taken the time to do this build :)

Quite frankly I'm still learning... albeit slowly.

You know I don't ever consider the forceful advice of others... not even Linux_0 for a while.

I might just learn how to script better, like how all the individual labs that run Scientific Linux do it.

Most importantly, the interests I serve are my own :). If you happen to stumble across my distribution and you like it, great! I couldn't care less about what others think.

For this very first release I think I am going straight to beta after this alpha, around June. When I get my icons and logos fixed, I will make a final release.

Or not. Depends on my attention span. I might just have my yum software customisation options in a text document for my convenience.

I accidently managed to exceed my internet cap somehow. I was downloading the install crap for my distro and bam! 15GiB+ of internet, gone. Worst thing was, I didn't even get the OS to compile properly.

I give up.

Let's never speak about this ever again. (it's too risky to do OS dev).

Those Justin Beiber videos add up eh?

There might be the odd stray comment at some point.

Seriously. Don't give up. That mentality got me where I'm not today :-(
They were threatening to implement internet usage caps in my area about a year or two ago, the outcry was so raucous that they backed off and simply claimed, much as the US lobbyists and congress rats, that it was simply a matter of "educating the people as to the benefits of the proposed changes".

(routinely exceeds multiple TiB each month)
I'm on 45GiB cap here in a house of 4 people. Fortunately I'm the only one that hammers it. There are good deals here in the UK where you can get 140GiB daytime, unlimited 7pm-7am a month on ADSL for less money, but the landlord insists on going with an ethical co-op for our ISP.

As he pays the bill I can't really complain.