Streaming game from one PC to another?


Aug 22, 2012
Ok, I stream a good bit on Twitch, I have an i3 (not great for streaming I know) with 10G RAM and a GTX 750Ti. Wow comes off on twitch as very grainy, etc. Now, I also have a laptop, thats 6g RAM and its an i7, would it be possible at all, to stream on the laptop while playing the actual game on the PC? Or do I just need to shut it and upgrade my desktop? lol!! Thanks!
Man, that's a toughie. Erm, not without messing about with using the laptop as a dual screen and streaming from there but then that's probably not going to have a display input of any kind. The other option is play WoW on the laptop! 😀
I thought about that, but the issue is, I have no problems playing any games on ultra settings and whatnot, on the desktop, it's just not ideal for streaming some of the higher end games, but the laptop is, I honestly just wanted to use the laptop to stream lol. Eh, I need to upgrade anyways >😀
I see I see, so your meaning the upload bitrate? Mine's actually fairly low for my speeds, actually really low. (forgive me, I don't know all the subtle stuff yet XD)