Streaming settings help!?

you can stream at any rez you want if thats your constant speed.
it takes about 1000-1.3mbps for a 720p 30fps stream. 2000-2.5mbps for 1080p 4.5mbps for 1440p.

you have way more bandwidth than that so you can pretty much stream at any rez you want and get 60 fps, just add another 25% to the given numbers and you should be ok.

you can stream at any rez you want if thats your constant speed.
it takes about 1000-1.3mbps for a 720p 30fps stream. 2000-2.5mbps for 1080p 4.5mbps for 1440p.

you have way more bandwidth than that so you can pretty much stream at any rez you want and get 60 fps, just add another 25% to the given numbers and you should be ok.
