streaming through obs


Oct 25, 2017
my stream quality is bad I have a gtx 970 with an I7 6700 3.4 ghz and 8 gigs of ram and my computer is a x51 r3 alien ware. I record high quality video all the time and its just fine but streaming is a whole different thing. I Have 93.20 down and 41.70 mbps up. Am I maybe just configured wrong on obs ? I really don't know.
Streaming on Twitch is limited if you are not partnered with them. The maximum allowed bitrate for non-partnered users is 3500 kbps which is not enough 720p/60fps (its okay for mobas or strategy games) let alone 1080p/60fps. Until you can get more subscribers and viewers you will have to use these settings.
Streaming on Twitch is limited if you are not partnered with them. The maximum allowed bitrate for non-partnered users is 3500 kbps which is not enough 720p/60fps (its okay for mobas or strategy games) let alone 1080p/60fps. Until you can get more subscribers and viewers you will have to use these settings.

Yet people are doing it all the time through Facebook twitch YouTube with no problems I really don't understand what I'm doing wrong. I've used multiple tutorials for setting up OBS properly for a high-quality stream and still same result