Streaming: Two PC or Threadripper?


Oct 24, 2014
This will be lengthy so I apologize in advance.

On my current setup, I am getting lag on stream and locally on some games, especially if I try to stream at 1080P/60. I game at 1440P so there's a lot of juice required to do both at the same time.

Current Setup:
CPU: i7-4930k (6-Core w/ HT) @4.5Ghz
RAM: 32GB @ 2,100mhz
HDD: 1TB Samsung Evo 840 SSD
GPU: 2 x GTX 980ti

Recently, I decided I'm going to build a new gaming PC and transition my current gaming PC to a dedicated stream machine with a capture card.

What my new setup would look like:

Gaming PC:
CPU: Ryzen 1800x
RAM: 32GB DDR4 @ 3,200mhz
HDD: 1 TB Samsung Evo M.2 SSD
GPU: GTX 1080ti

Stream PC
CPU: i7-4930k (6-Core w/ HT) @4.5Ghz (No integrated GPU)
RAM: 32GB @2,100mhz
HDD: 1TB Samsung Evo 840 SSD
GPU: GTX 1050ti 4GB
Elgato HD60 Pro Capture Card

Now the question is this: With the impending release of Threadripper, would it be worth my while to just go with the following build instead and do everything on one PC?

Proposed Stream/Game PC
CPU: Threadripper 1950X
RAM: 32GB Quad Channel @ 3,200MHZ
HDD: 1TB Samsung Evo M.2 SSD
GPU: GTX 1080ti

What are the benefits of the two PC setup versus a single Threadripper setup for Simultaneous Streaming and Gaming and vice versa?

Thanks for all of your help!
It has 8 cores and 16 threads, I don't think the turbo boosts all cores up to 4Ghz, but you can most likely overclock it to 3.9Ghz, I think it's the cheapest option and it's a good one.
Threadripper is not going to change the world in terms of gaming. It is a content creator type of CPU. Plus it will be expensive, the CPU, board and heatsink alone will most likey double then it would cost to simply go with an upgrade and get something like the I7 7700k.

I stream and game on high settings on a i7 6700k without any lag or problems at all.

For the price to go to Threadripper you could easily upgrade your CPU and GPU and get more out of it with spare cash laying around.

I know it won't improve gaming performance significantly but it will stop the lag I'm seeing in-game that is a direct result of heavy multi-tasking. As far as the 7700k goes, I've had Intel for years and I'm going AMD this round because the performance is neck and neck in gaming and better on AMD for multitasking. Plus, Intel has been screwing people over for years on price and I'm happy to support AMD's thrashing of them for once.

So it's either two systems and my gaming PC being Ryzen 1800x based or one system doing it all with Threadripper.

So you'e saying get the 1800x and stream/game on that PC only instead of the two PC setup? Can it handle that load effectively? I've got a webcam going, Xsplit, Chrome, Discord, Audio Mixer, the game itself, bot programs, and more running at once during stream.