Struggling over 7 months with strange input lag and stutter.


Feb 3, 2018
The issue is :

Innacurate mouse movememt while movong trough desktop, in games with time it gets even worse like dragging it trough a mud. During fights I get huge stutter even if the fps does not go bellow 100. Graphics stutters and kinda is with input lag like my peripheral.

Things I did to fix it :
New mouse keyboard.
New Ssd.
OC the components.
No high temps.
Every possible windows 10 tweak.
No acceleration.
Lowered pooling rate.
Self made High performance mode.
No fastBoot.
Hibernation and sleep off.
Tried with 1 stick rams.
Unpligged whole front panel of the case.
Formated the ssd and hdd 30+ times.
And a lot lot lot other stuff.

Literally I've done everything, stresstested ram gpu and cpu, memetest and every component showed good results. No bottleneck.

Which component is causing this?!

Tip: when restart pc, install programs, delete programs, change outlet, unplug and plug back the usb devices I feel the speedup process for a short time and smoothness.

This issue was way better 4 months ago but with time it gets worse.

Software issue? BIG no.

I went to my retailer and they were a little afraid of my situation and rejected of swapping parts.... like they knew something is messed up with some component.

Buying new stuff will lead me to empty my pocket not being able finding the real source.

Please help me with this i am loosing my mind.

PC Specs:

Ryxen 1700.
2x8 Hyperx Predator 3200mhz.
1060 6gb Asus.
CM Vanguard 750+Gold.
Ssd 240gb nvme.
WD10ezex Blue.
Am looking at this for a while now,but have little to suggest since you tried so much,
You use the latest bios?
You use the latest chipset drivers and other drivers for the motherboard?

Maybe still a motherboard issue with the usb ports.

Sorry I forgot to mention a lot of stuff including bios update or chipset driver.

Yeah updated more than 5 bioses.
Chipset is up to date also i tried the first ones released.

The point is my knowledge is not poor about this stuff but also not professional to determine what is causing this.

Retailer does not help. So swapping parts and testing is out of chance.

Buying new cpu mobo could result at the same thing so, need to be sure how to find the real source. I am tired of spending money cuz in my country is 30-50% more expensive than US and EU.

Thanks tho for the answer.

With or without ssd is the same, and yeah talked to Asus and they hang up on me literally like I am an idiot, second try same person picks up the phone I introduce my self and the prob and again BAM.

I Gave up for rma just curious to take out the problematic part and burn it and after buy other one...