Struggling to buy a monitor

Apr 26, 2018
So i have a really outdated monitor and i was recently trying to invest some money to buy a new one.Generally i am a low budget person and i get really dissapointed if i waste money for something that is not worth its value.Then, after hours of hours of research i have concluded to buy Samsung C24FG73 for 300 euros final cost.After some more research because there is no way i will rush spending this amount of money i ended up having some more questions.
My pc is crap does it mean that i cant fully exploit the monitor's "power" like to see the 144hz difference and stuff?
Also i do not have amd while the monitor has freesync does it mean it is a bad investment?
I plan to buy a pc in the future should i buy amd graphic card in case i buy this freesync monitor?
I cant really think of any more questions at the momment but i really want to understand what is the best investment for me taking considaration my low budget and the new pc i will build in 1-2 years.