Struggling with bluescreen errors after applying thermal paste on the CPU


Jan 26, 2018
I recently started having problems with my CPU overheating, causing games to lag and making my computer turning itself off. After some research I decided to try applying new thermal paste on the CPU. When I turned my computer on it would freeze, followed by an error saying that my display driver had stopped responding and that it has been recovered. I tried playing PUBG to test if the temperature was better which it was (although not as much as I had hoped for), but my computer froze after playing for about 3 minutes, then a bit later it would give me the bluescreen error (dpc_watchdog_violation). What I found interesting here was that the error only showed up on my third monitor, while the others remained frozen. I have three monitors, the third one is a bit older than the others and with a different aspect ratio. My third monitor is the only monitor connected directly to the motherboard, the other two are connected to the GPU (a GTX 770).

What I'm the most worried about is that I might have damaged the GPU while messing with the liquid CPU cooler. I'm not sure how easy it is to damage just by accidentally hitting it. Does anyone know what the problem might be?
First welcome to Tom's Hardware :)

Always list your full hardware spesifications with the question. This way the people that want to try and help you out know what they are working with.

Computer freezing up, shuting down or crashing into BSOD points first of to 2 things: CPU or PSU. But I will wait to say anything more until I see your hardware spec.
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4790 CPU @ 3.60GHz
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770 2 GB
Motherboard: MSI Z97 Gaming 5
RAM: HyperX Fury DDR3 1600MHz 8GB
SSD: Kingston 240GB
Windows 8.1

Sorry for the late reply