I am building a custom pc first time and have watched videos extensively and also have read forums here,
Today the parts arrived and I have built it completely but when I boot it passes cpu, dram and gets stuck at vga led (red) , boot is also not red.
My system confg:
Intel core i5 7500- LGA 1151
Asus b150 prosocket gaming motherboard
Zotac GeForce gtx 1050 ti 4gb ddr5
16 gb hyperx fury ddr4 ram
Circle APFC 500 watts psu smps
The graphic card doesn't require any additional power cable, it takes power from the slot.
Current situation:
My monitor is vga, so its connected to onboard vga of motherboard (the connector will arrive in two days to connect to graphic card.)
The fan on graphic card is spinning, so it has power
The usb keyboard connected doesn't have power(maybe power goes there after vga problem is solved, i dont know)
Monitor is blank.
Everything works except its stuck on vga red led.
Attaching pictures:
Sorry only could upload on google drive
Today the parts arrived and I have built it completely but when I boot it passes cpu, dram and gets stuck at vga led (red) , boot is also not red.
My system confg:
Intel core i5 7500- LGA 1151
Asus b150 prosocket gaming motherboard
Zotac GeForce gtx 1050 ti 4gb ddr5
16 gb hyperx fury ddr4 ram
Circle APFC 500 watts psu smps
The graphic card doesn't require any additional power cable, it takes power from the slot.
Current situation:
My monitor is vga, so its connected to onboard vga of motherboard (the connector will arrive in two days to connect to graphic card.)
The fan on graphic card is spinning, so it has power
The usb keyboard connected doesn't have power(maybe power goes there after vga problem is solved, i dont know)
Monitor is blank.
Everything works except its stuck on vga red led.
Attaching pictures:
Sorry only could upload on google drive