Stuck between two gaming pc's please help - I5 Kirby 7600 or i7 4790 (4th gen)


Feb 22, 2017
Hey guys I'd like some advise, firstly I'm not a massive or competitive gamer like I used to be, I don't have the time anyone. I'm looking for something that's gonna last at least a year, I'm not looking for the highest graphics, I just want to have fun with friends and run smoothly without lag.
I'll be using one 22" monitor

Games :: FSX (main game) the isle, cod4 , global offensive and football manager

Set up one ::

Kirby i5 7600, GTX 1060 6GB , 8GB ram DDR4 120GB ssd, 1TB HD hd

Set up two :
Haswell I7 4790 3.6ghz
GTX 1060 3GB,
8GB Ram DDR3
120GB ssd
1TB hd

I appreciate the listed set up is basic I'm just stuck choosing between the 6/3GB 1060 and the difference between DDR3/4 ram

My guess would be that the haswell will still out perform the new i5? And would be better suited for FSX?

Thank you

I would absolutely so with the 7600, new hardware never hurts anyone!

Also, you WILL notice a difference when purchasing the 6GB GPU, if you want to play modern games at high-ish settings, then you normally need 4GB+ of GPU RAM!

Good luck!
