Stuck for GPU choice


Aug 9, 2015
So I've been looking up at what GPU's are capable at running the latest games at high settings, 1080p with a smooth FPS.. I see the R9 390 come up often, as well as he R9 380.

Here's my problem..
I'll have £430 budget by Tuesday.
My current system:
A6-6400k APU
RMX gold 80+ 650W PSU
F2A68HM-HD micro motherboard
Vantage CiT ATX mid tower
8GB DDR3 1600MHz RAM
1080p 23.5" 60ghz

I've been told that I'll need a new motherboard and CPU to prevent bottlenecking whatever GPU I hopefully end up getting.

Now I don't know if I should be looking for cheap Motherboard and CPU so I can still afford an R9 390... The cheapest 390 I found was £255. I did the measurements, it will fit in my case, just barely... which really worries me.

On the other hand, should I save myself £100 for better motherboard/CPU and get the 380? I just need some advice.. I was meant to get this stuff at Christmas, but I just couldn't decide. Now I've soon got money again.

I've seen jayztwocents do benchmarks of 380 vs 380x vs 390. And to be honest, I've not played a game at 60FPS before (unless ps4 is 60? It seems smooth).. In the benchmarks, the 380 wasn't showing that high of FPS, I don't know how much I'll be missing out going with 380.

Just to make my questions clear:

Is there any possible good outcome of me enjoying good graphics, with my budget and my current system?

For my goals, should I be looking towards 380 or 390?

Should I be worried about the GPU being a tight fit in my case?

Note*: I don't mind either Intel / AMD when switching motherboard.

Advice is appreciated. Thank you.
if you can it wouldn't be a bad idea to get a used 7970. its essentially the same chip as the r9 280x and 380. but should cost alot less

Wouldn't it struggle with games at high settings though?

I always see talk about things being future proof and whatnot. Would it be a short while before I'd have to upgrade the 380?

yes but that combo will work better then a amd apu and a 390. you will have to upgrade gpu every few years becase thats the part that falls behind. a i5 will last many years better to get one now then a new gpu. plus the futur gen of gpus looks extremely promising

I suppose I could get Z97 mobo £65 / i5 4690k £178 / R9 380 Sapphire £155. For £398.

Guess I can save some money for food lol