Discussion Stuck fronpanel USB 3 cable to motherboard header


Jul 23, 2016

NOTE: This is not my own pic, but it's exactly what happened to me...






I connected it back very careful and frontal USB is working normally.

Now my question is, what to do so this not happen again, because i still need to change my MB, the blue part of the connector is not attached any more (glued) to the rest of it, if i try to disconnect it again, i'm pretty sure the same will happen...
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I have had this happen a time or two. No big deal.

I have always been a bit concerned about using a glue (such as super glue, etc.) because I am not familiar with it's conductive properties. It's a minor annoyance that only comes up for full disassemble or equipment swap (as you mention).
I have had this happen a time or two. No big deal.

I have always been a bit concerned about using a glue (such as super glue, etc.) because I am not familiar with it's conductive properties. It's a minor annoyance that only comes up for full disassemble or equipment swap (as you mention).

What's your suggestion?

I pull it off again and put some Glue (not conductive) connect it again and then wait some days and try to pull it again?

*How the hell MB's still using this damn internal USB connector design, it's so problematic, just searching in google i found a lot of ppl with this problem...
What's your suggestion?

I pull it off again and put some Glue (not conductive) connect it again and then wait some days and try to pull it again?

How the hell MB's still using this damn internal USB connector design, it's so problematic, just searching in google i found a lot of ppl with this problem...
Internal connections are by nature going to be more delicate and not nearly as rugged as external connections. It's not designed nor intended to be frequently connected and reconnected, so this sort of thing is to be expected. The real problem is people not realizing this.

Since you now know how to deal with it just carefully disconnect it when you get your new motherboard: get your grip on the blue shell, not the black molded part (speaking to that picture). If you really want you could glue it on...E6000 hobby glue would work fine for it.

But whichever glue used you have to be very careful not to get any in the contacts which could keep them from working. CA glues can be very light viscosity so they could wick up into tight areas where the contacts are. That's why I'd prefer to just be careful. When installed in the new motherboard just leave it alone, as it's designed for.
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Internal connections are by nature going to be more delicate and not nearly as rugged as external connections. It's not designed nor intended to be frequently connected and reconnected, so this sort of thing is to be expected. The real problem is people not realizing this.

Since you now know how to deal with it just carefully disconnect it when you get your new motherboard: get your grip on the blue shell, not the black molded part (speaking to that picture). If you really want you could glue it on...E6000 hobby glue would work fine for it.

But whichever glue used you have to be very careful not to get any in the contacts which could keep them from working. CA glues can be very light viscosity so they could wick up into tight areas where the contacts are. That's why I'd prefer to just be careful. When installed in the new motherboard just leave it alone, as it's designed for.

Ok, thx.

My only fear now is the next time i try to pull it off, is it could rip off the USB connector PINS of the MB... i'm, really scared now.

I could live without the USB frontal panel, i just could buy an USB extensor and use 1 of the backpanel.
My only fear now is the next time i try to pull it off, is it could rip off the USB connector PINS of the MB
That's not likely at all as the pins are solidly soldered all the way through the motherboard. It's the plastic shells that are likely to come off...both the one on the cable like yours did and the one on the motherboard itself. The pins will stay in although they may get bent if forced too much. Even if they are bent just straighten them up and slip the connector over them and continue as before. No problem.
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