Archived from groups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.adventure,comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.action (More info?)
x-no-archive: yes
I'm on the ninth level, Teotihuacan, of Indiana Jones and the Infernal
Machine. It's the one that takes place within the 'sun pyramid'. I've
gathered all three idols yet I can't open the fourth door in the
central, gear room. Three of the gears are lined up towards the door I
want to open but when I rotate the nearby statue they fail to open the
door! This process worked with the other three doors in the gear room.
Is there something I'm overlooking?
Aside from the three idols I've also collected the mirror and opened
the roofs in each room that contains an idol. So now the sunlight is
shining down upon the statue in the gear room. When I attempt to place
the mirror in the statue's hands Indy says "Not yet..." I even ran
throughout the level lighting up all of the torches in hopes that was
somehow required to progress further. Alas it was in vain for I'm
still stuck.
Do the gears have to be in a special order to open the forth door?
There's distinct markings on all four of the gears yet none of the
walkthroughs seem to make special mention of them. Alternately, does
any one know of a no-clipping cheat for the game?
Best Regards, mattchu
x-no-archive: yes
I'm on the ninth level, Teotihuacan, of Indiana Jones and the Infernal
Machine. It's the one that takes place within the 'sun pyramid'. I've
gathered all three idols yet I can't open the fourth door in the
central, gear room. Three of the gears are lined up towards the door I
want to open but when I rotate the nearby statue they fail to open the
door! This process worked with the other three doors in the gear room.
Is there something I'm overlooking?
Aside from the three idols I've also collected the mirror and opened
the roofs in each room that contains an idol. So now the sunlight is
shining down upon the statue in the gear room. When I attempt to place
the mirror in the statue's hands Indy says "Not yet..." I even ran
throughout the level lighting up all of the torches in hopes that was
somehow required to progress further. Alas it was in vain for I'm
still stuck.
Do the gears have to be in a special order to open the forth door?
There's distinct markings on all four of the gears yet none of the
walkthroughs seem to make special mention of them. Alternately, does
any one know of a no-clipping cheat for the game?
Best Regards, mattchu