Stuck on checking updates

Jacob Vardy

Nov 19, 2016
So i have been having alot of issues with win10, so i decided to fresh install win7 back on but as the title states i cant get the updates i tried using this method

After a couple of minutes it came up with an error, since the person on that thread had no problems i dont know how to solve them.
This is the log that was produced:

19/11/2016 14:56:00.11 - Info: Starting WSUS Offline Update download (v. 10.8) for w61-x64 glb
19/11/2016 14:56:00.12 - Info: Option /includedotnet detected
19/11/2016 14:56:00.14 - Info: Option /verify detected
19/11/2016 14:56:00.16 - Info: Option /exitonerror detected
19/11/2016 14:56:00.28 - Info: Set time zone to LOC0:00
2016-11-19 14:56:03 URL: [619/619] -> "../static/StaticDownloadFiles-modified.txt" [1]
2016-11-19 14:56:05 URL: [321/321] -> "../client/static/StaticUpdateFiles-modified.txt" [1]
19/11/2016 14:56:06.58 - Info: Updated static download and update definitions
19/11/2016 14:56:12.00 - Info: Downloaded/validated mkisofs tool
19/11/2016 14:56:17.02 - Info: Downloaded Sysinternals' tools Autologon, Sigcheck and Streams
19/11/2016 15:06:26.02 - Info: Downloaded/validated most recent Windows Update catalog file
19/11/2016 15:06:26.02 - Warning: Deleted unsigned file "C:\Users\Jake\Documents\wsusoffline108\wsusoffline\client\wsus\"
19/11/2016 15:06:26.19 - Error: Catalog file ..\client\wsus\ signature verification failure


19/11/2016 15:07:10.09 - Info: Starting WSUS Offline Update download (v. 10.8) for w61-x64 glb
19/11/2016 15:07:10.09 - Info: Option /includedotnet detected
19/11/2016 15:07:10.11 - Info: Option /includemsse detected
19/11/2016 15:07:10.13 - Info: Option /verify detected
19/11/2016 15:07:10.15 - Info: Option /exitonerror detected
19/11/2016 15:07:10.25 - Info: Set time zone to LOC0:00
19/11/2016 15:07:11.88 - Info: Updated static download and update definitions
19/11/2016 15:07:12.05 - Info: Downloaded/validated mkisofs tool
19/11/2016 15:07:12.10 - Warning: Integrity database ..\client\md\hashes-wsus.txt not found
19/11/2016 15:17:28.25 - Info: Downloaded/validated most recent Windows Update catalog file
19/11/2016 15:17:28.25 - Warning: Deleted unsigned file "C:\Users\Jake\Documents\wsusoffline108\wsusoffline\client\wsus\"
19/11/2016 15:17:28.39 - Error: Catalog file ..\client\wsus\ signature verification failure

Thanks in advance
Question from Jacob Vardy : "Stuck on checking updates"

So i have been having alot of issues with win10, so i decided to fresh install win7 back on but as the title states i cant get the updates i tried using this method

After a couple of minutes it came up with an error, since the person on that thread had no problems i dont know how to solve them.
This is the log that was produced:

19/11/2016 15:07:10.09 - Info: Starting WSUS Offline Update download (v. 10.8) for w61-x64 glb
19/11/2016 15:07:10.09 - Info: Option /includedotnet detected
19/11/2016 15:07:10.11 - Info: Option /includemsse detected
19/11/2016 15:07:10.13 - Info: Option /verify detected
19/11/2016 15:07:10.15 - Info: Option /exitonerror detected
19/11/2016 15:07:10.25 - Info: Set time zone to LOC0:00
19/11/2016 15:07:11.88 - Info: Updated static download and update definitions
19/11/2016 15:07:12.05 - Info: Downloaded/validated mkisofs tool
19/11/2016 15:07:12.10 - Warning: Integrity database ..\client\md\hashes-wsus.txt not found
19/11/2016 15:17:28.25 - Info: Downloaded/validated most recent Windows Update catalog file
19/11/2016 15:17:28.25 - Warning: Deleted unsigned file "C:\Users\Jake\Documents\wsusoffline108\wsusoffline\client\wsus\"
19/11/2016 15:17:28.39 - Error: Catalog file ..\client\wsus\ signature verification failure

Thanks in advance
(Just ask if you need more info)