Stupid NVIDIA drivers not working at all.


Jul 3, 2014
I got a new 1080Ti which i am about to just send back and go back to my 980Ti or go with AMD so i wont have to deal with this stuff. NVIDIA drivers when i tried to update screwed it all up. It says failed to download everytime so i decided to delete all NVIDIA drivers and everything related to it than i downloaded from NVIDIA site and..........welp........did the same thing and said failed to download and it takes over TWO HOURS for it to tell me it failed. It takes that long for the green bar to get in the middle than it says failed to downlaod. I have tried custom download and the thing that resets all settings also. I got desperate and even formated my WHOLE system and installed a fresh copy of Windows 10 than tried again.............nope............still did it. My wife is using my 980Ti but guess what........the new NVIDIA drivers did it on hers to an dnow says failed. Ever since this new update has came out my GPU is crap and never runs over 20% because i literally have NO drivers for my GPU and am playing all games with just a card in the slot and no programs/Drivers to run it. I am going to refund this card for an AMD i hate to say but this is so stupid i have no idea why its doing this. Sorry if i seem mad but spending $800 on a new GPU that is now trash kinda gets on my nerves. Can anyone please help? I know NVIDIA wont help because i assume they could care less if the 10 series runs ok because they most likely are working on Volta now.
Unfortunately mate I cant offer a solution other than to wait it out. I currently use a HP Omen (i7-7700k, 8GB ram and a NVIDIA 1050ti notebook), I can honestly say I have sat at home all day, downloading and reinstalling all the possible drivers for my graphics card, seriously all of them with the custom settings and everything, even as far as factory resetting my laptop yesterday and re-installing everything. Iv only had this laptop for under 2 months aswell. I found that when I installed driver; 387.92 it wouldn't work but I accidentally clicked sleep mode just after i clicked to run CSGO and then when i turned on my laptop on the game would play. I then closed it and replicated what i did but it didnt work, it seems to me that its a...
Question from Ferrariassassin : "Need help with NVIDIA drivers ruining my PC."

I asked earlier for help with my new 1080Ti drivers ruining my PC. But i am asking help on one thing here trying to pin point these crap nvidia drivers. My 1080Ti shows up in device manager as "Unknown Device". I have tried right clicking and downloading by searching and also by selecting the update and it downloads for hours than says failed. I have tried using the now worse than AMD ever was GeForce experience crap thing where you can select express and custom install and i tried both, the green bar gets stuck halfway than after about 3 hours it says "NVIDIA installer failed" and i have went to NVIDIAS site and downloaded the proper driver straight from it and it takes hours also and gets stuck half way and also says "NVIDIA installer failed". So i am at the point where i am now wanting to return this trash and get a new AMD card that actually has good drivers and works because i never had this problem with AMD especially THIS bad. Please someone help. I tried NVIDIAS support which we all know is worse in the world and Apple would be more help than them. This is my last resort and if i cant fix it im just refunding this crap card. Oh and yes, i formatted my PC 2 times and reinstalled a fresh Windows 10 and it STILL does exact same. My wife and brother has the same exact problem as me with ever since the new update crap came out so its not just mine luckily.
Unfortunately mate I cant offer a solution other than to wait it out. I currently use a HP Omen (i7-7700k, 8GB ram and a NVIDIA 1050ti notebook), I can honestly say I have sat at home all day, downloading and reinstalling all the possible drivers for my graphics card, seriously all of them with the custom settings and everything, even as far as factory resetting my laptop yesterday and re-installing everything. Iv only had this laptop for under 2 months aswell. I found that when I installed driver; 387.92 it wouldn't work but I accidentally clicked sleep mode just after i clicked to run CSGO and then when i turned on my laptop on the game would play. I then closed it and replicated what i did but it didnt work, it seems to me that its a connection issue when booting up the graphics card itself, so clearly it works but these friggin drivers arent communicating properly and the latet update appears to be interfering.
Honestly mate for your sake and anyone who reads this, I can only assume to wait this out. I hope yours works soon too, its bloody outrageous.
Mines worth £160 but at 1080 f*ck me, theyre big bucks and so i can only assume how infuriated you are.
All the best, Joel