Possibly something to add to the FAQ too.
Back in 8bit days, RAM was always 8bit/byte.
Then 16bits came and left, then 32bits and now we have 64bits in our desktops.
Of course if I get it correctly, this 64bit thing is just 64bit addressing. I am not sure if it changed the size of "words" to 64bits.
So I have possibly stupid question, I should have asked somebody 10 or 15 years ago.
Is RAM still 8bits/byte? I find no reference about it.
Is it 16bits? Is it 32bits? Since you can install on the same PC (with the appropriate specs of course) a 32 bit and a 64 bit OS... does this mean that if I install 64 bit OS I have half the RAM? (or better, will then apps use DOUBLE the RAM?)
If I get a 1GB RAM module (whatever module, I don't care at this point), will this be 8388608 bits? Or will it be 2 or 4 times that, or even 8?
To put this in yet an other perspective, if I store a "byte" variable in some compiler, will this really "eat" 1 byte? Or will in fact eat a 16bit, or 32bit or 64bit word (depending on the OS) - being able to use just the 8bits but in fact "loosing" the rest?
English is not my native language and I hope I am getting through.
Back in 8bit days, RAM was always 8bit/byte.
Then 16bits came and left, then 32bits and now we have 64bits in our desktops.
Of course if I get it correctly, this 64bit thing is just 64bit addressing. I am not sure if it changed the size of "words" to 64bits.
So I have possibly stupid question, I should have asked somebody 10 or 15 years ago.
Is RAM still 8bits/byte? I find no reference about it.
Is it 16bits? Is it 32bits? Since you can install on the same PC (with the appropriate specs of course) a 32 bit and a 64 bit OS... does this mean that if I install 64 bit OS I have half the RAM? (or better, will then apps use DOUBLE the RAM?)
If I get a 1GB RAM module (whatever module, I don't care at this point), will this be 8388608 bits? Or will it be 2 or 4 times that, or even 8?
To put this in yet an other perspective, if I store a "byte" variable in some compiler, will this really "eat" 1 byte? Or will in fact eat a 16bit, or 32bit or 64bit word (depending on the OS) - being able to use just the 8bits but in fact "loosing" the rest?
English is not my native language and I hope I am getting through.