stupid ship question?



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Maybe I just didn't see it in the info pages.

If a ship, such as an aircraft carrier, takes X mil (say 350), but I
put only 100 mil on it, does it affect the performance of the craft in
any way?

All responses appreciated.



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Daniel Damouth wrote:
> Maybe I just didn't see it in the info pages.
> If a ship, such as an aircraft carrier, takes X mil (say 350), but I
> put only 100 mil on it, does it affect the performance of the craft in
> any way?
> All responses appreciated.
> -Dan

Hm. maybe EFF could be (Ship.Eff*(Current.Crew\Max.Crew))
or something like that


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putting a larger crew on board can make it more difficult
to have your ships boarded.

"Daniel Damouth" <> wrote in message
> Maybe I just didn't see it in the info pages.
> If a ship, such as an aircraft carrier, takes X mil (say 350), but I
> put only 100 mil on it, does it affect the performance of the craft in
> any way?
> All responses appreciated.
> -Dan


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Daniel Damouth <> writes:

> Maybe I just didn't see it in the info pages.
> If a ship, such as an aircraft carrier, takes X mil (say 350), but I
> put only 100 mil on it, does it affect the performance of the craft in
> any way?

You need a crew to operate the weapons, normally one mil, but it's not
entirely consistent. For instance, return depth charging requires two
per gun firing■. In no case, it's more than a few.

Carriers are special, since mil there can repair planes. So if you
want to do that, load plenty.

■ No, this doesn't make sense.


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Oddly enough, in HP empireclassic the crew also flies the planes.
One mil, one plane flies.
999 mil, 999 planes, fly.

(Yes it may not be your cup of tea, but I had to pipe in.)

Markus Armbruster wrote:

> Daniel Damouth <> writes:
>>Maybe I just didn't see it in the info pages.
>>If a ship, such as an aircraft carrier, takes X mil (say 350), but I
>>put only 100 mil on it, does it affect the performance of the craft in
>>any way?
> You need a crew to operate the weapons, normally one mil, but it's not
> entirely consistent. For instance, return depth charging requires two
> per gun firing■. In no case, it's more than a few.
> Carriers are special, since mil there can repair planes. So if you
> want to do that, load plenty.
> ■ No, this doesn't make sense.

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Daniel Damouth <> wrote in message news:<Xns959216193CF2Fdamouthsanrrcom@>...
> Maybe I just didn't see it in the info pages.
> If a ship, such as an aircraft carrier, takes X mil (say 350), but I
> put only 100 mil on it, does it affect the performance of the craft in
> any way?
> All responses appreciated.
> -Dan

Depends on the ship. Ships that you are assaulting with, you
obviously want the max crew, because you can only assault with a
percentage of people on board (depending on the land/semi land flag,
or lack of that flag) Ships that do work out in the sea, specifically
oil derricks and fishing boats, you want max civs on board so you can
recover as many natural resources as possible. BTW don't fish until
you've reached max-pop. Other than that, just don't get boarded and
you will be fine.
