Stuttering in Various Windowed Application (ex. Borderless Window and VLC Fullscreen)


Apr 22, 2016
I'm going to exclude the specs of my PC, because I'm beyond positive these application can run fine on my machine especially since they have done so previously.

Up until about a week ago, I've been running my games in Borderless Window because I have a dual monitor setup and don't notice a significant bump in performance over Exclusive Fullscreen. However, recently my computer began stuttering when playing these very same games with the same settings. Switching to Exclusive Fullscreen solves the problem, but does not solve the root of the issue whatever that might be. Today, I realized a similar problem when tried to play a downloaded movie fullscreen in VLC player and was greeted with the same problem.

If I had to guess at the problem, I'd say it was after my registry was updated (I believe something was removed) when a game prompted me to disable Xbox DVR.

Does anyone have any advice on what the problem might be and how to fix it?
After resolving to fix the problem once and for all and reinstalling my drivers I have finally found the root of the issue.


I realized this after reading a random comment about the issue on an Overwatch forum