Stuttering issue with no FPS drop.


Dec 9, 2016
Hey !

I have a problem when i'm playing a video game, the gameplay is not smooth and i don't know if it's stuttering, because i don't know how to describe it exactly.

Here is a video:

My graphic card is a R9 390, my PSU is a new 750 G2, my CPU is an intel I7-4790K, my motherboard is an GA-Z97-D3H.

Thank you and have a nice day !
first, make sure your graphics drivers are updated, if they are correct and updated, proceed

What are the temps of GPU/CPU while running the game?
Please also list me your resource allocation.

I need to know what your CPU usage is under load,
Ram usage is under load (Modified, standby, and FREE),
and your GPU usage under load.

Driver are uptodate. CPU usage when i'm playing the game. CPU usage when no game is running. GPU usage while i'm playing. GPU when no game is running Memory Usage while i'm playing. Memory Usage with no game running.

Thank you.

EDIT: OpenHardwareMonitor report:
Is that playing multiplayer? If so it's network lag most likely, having trouble keeping up with the game.

Play the Game Single player, let me know if you still experience the chop

Those are just temps, I need actual charts and cpu usage on each core and memory I need to see all of it in resource monitor.


OpenHardwareMonitor report:


If it's not good, can you tell me what software can i use to make a proper report please ?

I'll try a solo game and be back.

Thank a lot.

EDIT: Offline the game is smoother unlinke the online one. But when i'm recording it's looks not smooth at all, i tried both CPU and graphic card recording and they both looks the same.

It is your internet most likely, if you are trying to record or stream you will always encounter this error. A suggestion is looking up some guides on doing it.
one of the big reccomendations is having another computer or laptop one of lower power, you put your streaming program on this and you record/stream from this small PC while your computer handles the game. This leads to much better internet results, much less choppy and laggy. Better sync and just better display in the end.

My guess is your choking your internet upload/download. its very easy to bottleneck the upload channel and it will have serious degradation on the entire system.

When playing a game can you do a ping test to google, and a traceroute. We need to check your upload/download and your ping.
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